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Example sentences for "heartes"

Lexicographically close words:
heartedness; hearten; heartened; heartening; heartens; heartfelt; hearth; hearthrug; hearthrugs; hearths
  1. Now would God all suche men would reduce ageyn their heartes vnto ye gospell of Christ, would god they would bee prouoked by some meane to desire knowledge.

  2. Ageyn his subiectes dyd obey his commaundement feynedly with Ypocrisie, but in their heartes they abhorred gods woord.

  3. Now your magnificĂȘt mynde studieth that, whiche all Englyshe menne with meke and humile heartes shuld desire GOD to endue your grace with all.

  4. At the time that Chettle published his Kinde Heartes Dreame Shakespeare had already produced The Comedy of Errors and King John, and had evidently had a hand with Marlowe in the revision of The True Tragedie of the Duke of York.

  5. This shall be, this is, and this hath euer bene, That boldest heartes be nearest ieopardie, To dye in battayle is honour as men wene To suche as haue ioy in haunting chiualry.

  6. Once discharge my harquebouse And for my heartes ease, haue once more with my potgoon.

  7. I am bespoken: And I thought verily thys had bene some token From my dere spouse Gawin Goodluck, whom when him please God luckily sende home to both our heartes ease.

  8. When ye seeke your heartes ease, I will be vnkinde, At no tyme, in me shall ye muche gentlenesse finde.

  9. Nowe sirs, keepe your ray, and see your heartes be stoute, But where be these caitifes, me think they dare not route, How sayst thou Merygreeke?

  10. Loue hauing made the heartes breache of those two louers, as they two sought meanes to speake together, Fortune offered them a very meete and apt occasion.

  11. What is hee that knoweth the secretes of heartes which be impenetrable?

  12. What heartes sorrow shall I conceyue to bee pointed at wyth the finger, like one that hath forgotten in acknowledging by effecte, the receiued pleasure of my delyueraunce?

  13. In this communications the daye was spente, and night at hand, their heads occupyed, and heartes full heauie, for hunger alone hadde bin ynough to finish theyr dayes, without any further warre.

  14. That our heartes wth the heartes of the country in generall are surrounded wth feare and greife for the removall of Collonell Massey from us, whose endeavors amongst us God hath soe wonderfullie prospered.

  15. Once discharge my harquebouse And for my heartes ease, have once more with my potgoon.

  16. When ye seeke your heartes ease, I will be unkinde, At no tyme, in me shall ye muche gentlenesse finde.

  17. An hundred lordes had he in his rout* *retinue Armed full well, with heartes stern and stout.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heartes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.