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Example sentences for "healthiest"

Lexicographically close words:
healthful; healthfull; healthfully; healthfulness; healthier; healthily; healthiness; healths; healthy; heap
  1. There is perhaps a question as to what is the proper position for the best and healthiest bicycle riding.

  2. For such people bicycle riding is not by any means the healthiest exercise that could be found.

  3. The lesson it teaches us is, that we should choose a healthy region in which to live if we would rear the healthiest offspring.

  4. The island is described by all as the finest and healthiest of all the Sea Islands.

  5. Beaufort is the healthiest place on these islands and their resort when leaving their plantations.

  6. Guy, who has investigated their sanitary condition, finds them to be among the healthiest of our working population.

  7. It is one of the healthiest exercises, bringing the body into action by a great variety of motions.

  8. Bring him then," said the doctor; and after a moment's absence he returned, leading up one of the healthiest and quietest looking men in the ward.

  9. If this was not the healthiest employment in the world," said an overseer to me on one of the sugar estates, "it would kill us all who are engaged in it, both black and white.

  10. Better pay double the price you would have to give for inferior plants; the best are the cheapest in the end, as they will make the healthiest vines, and bear sooner.

  11. The healthiest and most important political subdivisions in Santo Domingo are the communal governments, and whatever progress has been made in the Republic has been due largely to their initiative.

  12. Monarchy in its healthiest days had the same basis as democracy: the belief in human nature when entrusted with power.

  13. Trinidad, situated about a league from Casilda, on the south coast, and ninety miles from Havana, is probably one of the healthiest and pleasantest locations for invalids on the island.

  14. Twelve of the freshest and healthiest stories of domestic life that we have seen for a long time are packed away in this compact little volume.

  15. Houses on Dartmoor are selling well just now, as very few are available, and the district has become highly popular as it is said to be the healthiest part of England.

  16. That accounts for the cemetery, which is not really a local affair, for Drivelmouth is the healthiest place in England," said George.

  17. Old ladies can be very selfish sometimes, and in that stimulating atmosphere, which shared with many others the distinction of being the healthiest in the land, Miss Yard grew no weaker daily.

  18. London is a low plain--Paris is upon higher ground; yet London is the healthiest city.

  19. It is upon very high ground, and is the healthiest of all the hospitals from its position and arrangements.

  20. The gardens, which belong to the town labourers and small shopkeepers, afford their proprietors the healthiest possible kind of recreation after the labours of the day.

  21. In the healthiest situations, on hillsides fronting the sea, the faces of their famished children are as thin and pale as they could be in the foul atmosphere of a London alley.

  22. The city, once so unhealthy, is now, through proper drainage, "the second healthiest large city of the world.

  23. It is now one of the healthiest of cities, with a death-rate far less than that of New York.

  24. Literature was not thriving in the healthiest of ways in the earlier period, but from the commercial point of view it was singularly prosperous.

  25. In my opinion, Sud-Est is one of the healthiest spots in New Guinea.

  26. The health of the place has since improved, and at the present time it is one of the healthiest on the coast.

  27. The fresh Atlantic breezes blow directly across the Point, and this is one of the healthiest spots on the coast-belt.

  28. The healthiest parts of Johannesburg are the Hill and Parktown, which are fashionable suburbs.

  29. With animals, as with man, health is but relative, not absolute; the healthiest in appearance often bearing within its frame the fatal principle of no distant death.

  30. They would be recommended to choose as pastures the healthiest places, to withdraw their cattle at certain seasons from those plots of ground which are baleful to them; new systems of agriculture would be planned and tried, &c.

  31. It is very beautifully located, with Mount Vijia for its background, in what is declared to be the healthiest district upon the island.

  32. In the first place, the system must be purified and the liver and all the organs brought into the healthiest of conditions, which is now generally effected by the free use of lemons and castor oil.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "healthiest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.