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Example sentences for "headsails"

Lexicographically close words:
headquartered; headquarters; headroom; heads; headsail; headset; headshake; headship; headsman; headsmen
  1. At this moment, anchor broken out and headsails running up, Captain Van Horn, whose quick eye had missed no detail of the incident, with an order to the black helmsman turned to applaud Jerry.

  2. For the ketch, under her spanker which had just then been flat-hauled, had come into the wind, emptying her after-sail and permitting her headsails to fill on the other tack.

  3. It tangled in the braces, and rendered the headsails useless.

  4. Suddenly the topsails filled, the headsails blew out with a vicious snap, and just as the sloop lurched forward, the little boat was abreast the forechains.

  5. The helm of the stranger was put down, and with her headsails backed against the masts, she lay, hove to.

  6. The jib was instantly run up, and it and the other headsails catching the wind, away she glided from the berg.

  7. Then while Carroll slipped the moorings, Vane ran up the headsails and springing aft seized the tiller as the boat, slanting over, commenced to forge through the water.

  8. Then they ran in the bowsprit, and Vane felt glad that, although the craft had been rigged in the usual western fashion as a sloop, he had changed that by giving her a couple of headsails in place of one.

  9. Then the ensign was dipped, the headsails hauled to leeward again, and away they went.

  10. She ran in under her headsails and boom-foresail with her mainmast bare, rising higher and growing clearer all the while.

  11. Her black headsails swept out of the shadow of the neighboring head, the tall boom-foresail followed, and a second later he saw the greater spread of her after canvas.

  12. Then we got up our headsails so as to get steerage-way on her, and bless my soul if the blocks made a creak!

  13. Under headsails and riding sail the Rosan swung into the light air that stirred the fog and began to crawl forward while the men were still cat-heading the anchor.

  14. The tide there runs three knot, and, with our headsails an' the light air o' wind, we just managed to hold her even.

  15. When the five men sat down it was the first time they had been able to relax since the evening before, when, without lights, and under headsails only, the Charming Lass had stolen out between the reefs of Freekirk Head to sea.

  16. There are usually two rows of these on the foresail, and three on the mainsail, while the larger headsails are also provided with them.

  17. The sheets of the headsails are fastened to their “clews” or lower aft corners, and led to cleats near foot of mast.

  18. The headsails were then backed, as the ship brought up over her anchor; and, the windlass coming round with a ringing "clink, clank!

  19. The headsails were handed, the schooner was rounded to, the anchor let go, and she rode in safety inside the reef.

  20. The anchor was quickly hove up--the headsails and then the mainsail set, and the schooner glided on towards the passage through the reef.

  21. They got aboard, they got their anchor, hoisted the headsails and shot out of Canso and up the coast and around Cape Breton Island.

  22. They came to an anchor, dropping the headsails only, and the skipper and Don pulled ashore in a dory.

  23. A long traverse truly for a small schooner around the Horn, and when they let the headsails run and dropped the anchor behind George Island, Captain Nickerson smacked his fist on the wheel-box and laughed.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "headsails" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.