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Example sentences for "haythins"

Lexicographically close words:
hayseeds; haystack; haystacks; haythen; haythin; haywire; haz; hazard; hazarde; hazarded
  1. We'll drive the haythins into the say in a month.

  2. We kem out fer to show thim haythins how to behave thimselves an' grow up into useful an' ornamental citizens av the greatest republic that iver brathed th' breath av life.

  3. Sure, an' thim haythins is up to all sorts av dodges," cried Dan Casey.

  4. Down wid the haythins that don't know the manin' av honor!

  5. They've no right to take the labor of convartin' these haythins out of me hands that a-way.

  6. Turks out of the very places we turned them into; in short, we're goin' to punish the haythins for havin' the impudence to hobnob and make friends with the French.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "haythins" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.