Yes, he's getting well and strong," assented Nan, with a happy smile.
It was not very fresh now, but Tommy snatched it hungrily, and gazed at it with a happy smile.
If I meet my brother with this friendly, happy smile, he will not remark that my cheeks are sunken.
Amelia greeted the fourth day with a happy smile, never doubting but that it would bring her glad tidings.
The king greets his ancestors with a happy smile, for he feels that he is no unworthy successor.
Hilda looked up into his face with a happy smile, and he needed no reply in words; indeed she could have given him none, for in an instant his arms were about her, and his kisses sealed her lips.
She would listen with a happy smile to Leo's words, and now and then her cheek would flush, although he never breathed a word of the love which she knew possessed his soul.
And Hilda did so; with graceful cordiality she conducted Leo into the castle and to the rooms that had been prepared for himself and his friend, her charming face lit up by a happy smile as she saw his pleased surprise.
Uncle" in surprise, looking inquiringly at Natasha, who nodded her head with a happy smile.
Carlo, sinking back toward Count Paulo, and pointing with a happy smile to Natalie, who, awaking from her momentary stupefaction, stretched forth her arms toward the count.
May she, at least, one day, with such a happy smile, take her departure for the skies!
I thank you, princess," she then said, with a happy smile.
She raised her head, and looking at Kurt with a happy smile, said, "Anna will help us; we will tell her all.
Then, startled at what he had done, he instantly dropped it, while Celia, not in the least startled, looked at him with a happy smile.
I could not speak; but he needed no reply, as he looked at me with a happy smile.
From afar she espied his light coat among the trees, and her lovely face was lit up with a happy smile.
I thought, as she leaned back in the carriage with a happy smile of satisfaction; the black crape veil floated about her small face, her little feet were propped against the back seat, and she gracefully waved her hand to me again.
Anna Maria had seated herself in one of the chairs under the trees; Edwin was standing before her, and a happy smile was on her lips.
Yes, your highness," replied Conrad, with a happy smile.
Great was his astonishment when he beheld Eugene advancing toward him, his lips parted with a happy smile, his eyes beaming with animation, his whole bearing transformed.
Her lips were parted with a happy smile, her fair brow was serene and cloudless, and her cheeks were tinged with a faint flush like that of the rose that is kissed by the first beams of the rising sun.
He assured her of his love in impassioned words, and Anna listened with beaming eyes and a happy smile.
From Suhm," said the prince, with a happy smile, and hastily breaking the seal, he drew from the package a letter and several books.
No, you shall not wait in vain," whispered Laura, with a happy smile, hiding her blushing face on the breast of her lover.
Frederick met them with a proud, happy smile; his eye beamed with an unusual light; his forehead was smooth and free from care; he seemed inspired.
I told you he would, Frances," cried the Colonel, with a happy smile.
His eyes rested, with a happy smile, upon the triumphal arch which decorated the gate for the home-coming of his son, expected the next day from South Africa.
He looked at her with a happy smile, his eyes fixed upon her, taking in every movement.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "happy smile" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.