With a quick twist of the wrist, he threw in the highest speed and had to grip his handlebars hard to keep his seat as his iron steed responded.
Same here," echoed Bert, little dreaming that before long, on the splendid machine whose handlebars he held, he would graze the very garments of death.
This done, Bert seized the handlebars of his motorcycle, and hauled it into the pool after him, until it was partly immersed.
From the extremity of the handlebars in front to the rim of its rear wheel, not the tiniest thing had been overlooked or left undone that could add to its perfection.
If the handlebars had once gotten out of his control they would have zigzagged wildly and the result would have been a bad fall.
It was this that made it possible;" and he patted the handlebars of the motorcycle.
The handlebars were slewed around until they stood at right angles to the machine.
The handlebars were almost wrenched from his control, but not quite, and once more he was tearing around with scarcely diminished speed.
But even as this thought was passing through his mind, the front wheel caught in a hollow, the handlebars were wrenched from his hands with a force that almost broke his wrists, and he was flying through the air.
She dropped her head into her crossed arms over the handlebars and regulated her breathing as she cooled down.
She gripped the handlebars firmly, admiring her own hands without ill feelings.
Orville got off his bike alongside a stile and laid the bike on the road; Jeannette leaned her handlebars against the wire of the fence.
On the bike road the wagon-car-truck ruts had tall grass between them; the surface was smooth; his handlebars looked down on her squatty ones as they peddled.
Stoop they did, bending low over the handlebars of their bicycles.
With no small difficulty the little Indian steadied the wheel, reaching forward to grasp the handlebars while standing behind it.
Sending the bicycle along at high speed Frank lay over the handlebarsand swung his feet into the air till he held himself suspended in that manner, head down and feet up.
Away he went, bending over the handlebarsand sending the bicycle flying over the ground.
Without stopping the bicycle, Frank swung back over the handlebars to the saddle.
Then, like a cat Merriwell wheeled about, lifted his feet over the handlebars to which he clung, slipped down till he hung over the forward wheel, placed his feet on the pedals, and rode in that manner.
He was bending far over the handlebars and using all his energy to send his wheel spinning toward the beautiful lake.
The next moment Gran'pa toppled over into the gutter, where he began struggling with levers, handlebars and revolving wheels.
He caught hold of the handlebars and I picked up his hat from the pavement.
Time and time again I was thrown off by fouling the side of the rut and plunged headlong over the handlebarsinto the road.
I find it easier to grasp the handlebars with the palms of my hands alone.
He was looking down at the machine, a very old one with well-worn tyres and rusty handlebars of a pattern quite out of date.
Young Bolitho was riding with her, and they both carried tennis rackets slung on the handlebars of their machines.
It always made Lambert think of thehandlebars on that long-horn safety bicycle that he came riding into the Bad Lands.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "handlebars" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.