It grows from Georgia to the Indian river, Florida, in swamps.
IOWA CRAB (Malus ioensis) grows from Minnesota to Texas and is the common crabapple of the Mississippi basin.
A native of North America, it grows from 12 feet to 15 feet high, and is useful in this country for covering arches or tree stems, or for allowing to run about at will on a mound of earth or on rockwork.
It grows from 6 feet to 10 feet high, with a thick, twiggy head, and drooping racemes of white flowers borne thickly all over the plant.
It grows from 10 feet to 12 feet high, with deep-green leaves that are hoary on the under sides.
It grows from four to ten inches tall and has dull bluish-green leaves, which are downy on the upper side and smooth on the under, and graceful clusters of pretty little flowers.
It grows from three to four feet high, and has tri-pinnate leaves with coarsely-serrated edges.
It grows from one to two feet high, and bears corymbose clusters of yellow flowers during May and June.
It grows from ten to twenty feet high, and flowers during May and June.
It grows from sixty to two hundred and twenty-five feet high with trunk two to nine feet in diameter.
It grows from sixty to even one hundred and seventy-five feet high with trunk one to five feet in diameter and a narrowly cone-shaped crown composed of numerous horizontal strata of fan-shaped sprays.
It grows from a common stem, dividing into many branches and then sub-dividing into many long and coral-like shoots, composed wholly of attenuated interlacing branches tapering to a point.
It grows from spring to fall but is usually more abundant in August and September.
It grows fromtwo to four inches high and is known by most people as the Sponge mushroom.
It grows from 6 to 18 inches high, according to the different kinds, which blossom most of the summer.
The most common kind (Convolvulus major,) grows from 15 to 20 ft.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "grows from" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.