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Example sentences for "great grief"

  • Then was Christian in great grief, and knew not what to do for the want of that which was to be his pass to The Celestial City.

  • And now it was a great grief to him that he had lent his ear to Worldly Wiseman; and it was well that he just then saw Evangelist come to meet him; though at the sight of him he felt a deep blush on his face for shame.

  • This put him out more than all the rest had done; to think that he should take that name in vain for which he felt so deep a love, was a great grief to him.

  • These tidings were spread far and wide, and Thorgeir's death was a great grief to many a man.

  • Gunnar's slaying was heard of, and ill spoken of throughout the whole country, and his death was a great grief to many a man.

  • There is no good in mincing the matter," said Runolf, "but we must say outright that he has been slain for less than no cause; and his death is a great grief to all men.

  • This could not but be a great grief to him.

  • But I have a cross husband, and that is a great grief to me.

  • When Ju-das saw that Je-sus was to be put to death, he was in great grief to think he had brought such a fate on one who had done no wrong.

  • And this was the cause of great grief to the poor bond-slaves, who were forced to do the will of the great king.

  • She is in great grief, and the Lord has hid it from me and not told me of it.

  • Great grief it was, when that Archbishop fell.

  • Great grief it is, no man may slay him clean.

  • CXVII The count Rollanz, when Sansun dead he saw, You may believe, great grief he had therefor.

  • But returning to Baccio: his death was a great grief to the people of Lucca, who had known him as a good and upright man, courteous to all, and very loving.

  • This event was a great grief to the people of Modena, who knew that by the death of Pellegrino they had been robbed of a spirit truly excellent and rare.

  • Pancrazio, opposite to his own house, in the year 1525; and his death was truly a great grief to all good craftsmen, seeing that he had been a talented and skilful master, and very modest in his every action.

  • Poor darling little Dolly," she said in a voice full of compassion; "she has met with a great grief, but I pray that all may yet be well.

  • It had been a great grief to Lottie to be compelled, through the ridiculous treatment of her father by the authorities in ordering him to Natal, to transfer her dramatic entertainment from Cape Town to Pietermaritzburg.

  • And they saw that the Pandavas, all cheerless, were sitting, plunged in great grief.

  • O hero, the non-accomplishment is evident of this (my vow which to me is a) source of great grief.

  • All of them, in great grief, wept copiously and indulged in heart-rending lamentations.

  • But there was a great grief in store for this land, once more.

  • The accident to the helmet was a great grief to him, and he swore an oath that until he had taken from some other knight as good a helmet as that which was now made useless to him, he would never again eat his food on a table-cloth.

  • Sancho, in great grief, could speak no word, and knew not what to do; to him it was all as a bad dream.

  • So he gave it up, and left her to lie and rot in the sun and the rain--a great grief to him.

  • There was a lack of arms, a lack of clothes, and a lack of food, and these things made camp-life hard to bear, and were a great grief to the heart of the chief.

  • Guns were fired to tell that one who had fought well had gone to his rest, and strong men shed tears as he was laid in his grave, for his loss was a source of great grief to all.

  • Great Grief, however, seemed to observe something bitter in the affair.

  • Great Grief lay on the bed smoking a pipe and waiting for fame.

  • By it he had earned his popular name of Great Grief.

  • He was tenderly attached to his mother, and it was a great grief to him to do so important a thing without her approval; and, moreover, his income and all his worldly prospects depended upon her.

  • Mary Seaton was being assisted from her horse, evidently in great grief; and others of the personal attendants of Mary were there, but neither herself, Cicely, nor the Secretaries.

  • The Earl likewise charged Richard Talbot with letters and messages of conciliation to his son Gilbert, whose estrangement was a great grief to him, arising as it did entirely from the quarrels of the two wives, mother and daughter.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "great grief" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    great ability; great alarm; great attraction; great bird; great bunch; great character; great company; great delicacy; great feare; great indignation; great longing; great majority; great multitude followed him; great perplexity; great place; great poem; great rage; great rock; great spoonful; great tenderness; great works; great world; greater part; greatly fear; know whether; native city