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Example sentences for "gratin"

Lexicographically close words:
gratifie; gratified; gratifies; gratify; gratifying; grating; gratings; gratior; gratious; gratiously
  1. Corn au Gratin Score down twelve ears of boiled corn, and with the back of a knife press out the kernels.

  2. Chonfleur au Gratin Boil a large cauliflower twenty minutes in salted water.

  3. In France we have silver dishes on purpose for au gratins, in which they are dressed and served to table, the gratin adhering to the bottom of the dish.

  4. Should you have any salmon left from a previous dinner it is very good served in this manner (for description, see Turbot au gratin à la provençale, No.

  5. Lobsters au gratin may also be served in silver, escalope shells if handy are preferred.

  6. Potatoes Au Gratin Cut cold boiled potatoes into cubes and make a cream dressing.

  7. In the seasonable recipes for this issue, terrine of chicken and ham, green corn au gratin in ramekins, and pears Beatrice are cooked in Guernsey earthen ware.

  8. Turn part of this cream into an au gratin dish (sometimes called cocotte and sometimes Welsh rabbit dish).

  9. Escalloped Oysters Finnelli (The Caterer) Select a shallow au gratin dish; pour into it about two tablespoonfuls of melted butter and turn the dish, to spread the butter over the whole surface.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gratin" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.