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Example sentences for "gliff"

Lexicographically close words:
glider; gliders; glides; glideth; gliding; glim; glimmer; glimmered; glimmering; glimmerings
  1. And then if ye're dowie I will sit wi' you a gliff in the evening mysell, man, and help ye out wi' your bottle.

  2. To "show a gliff of the gowk" is to behave foolishly.

  3. Some show a gliff o' the gowk, but ye're aye goavin.

  4. Now and then we seemed to catch a gliff of the noise of human voices.

  5. I gat a gliff of one of these, and though in battle I had often seen things grim and butcherly, my heart now sprang to my mouth, so that I had well-nigh fainted with loathing.

  6. There was little fear o' his coming there without Sir Arthur: he had gotten a sair gliff the night afore, and never intended to look near the place again, unless he had been brought there sting and ling.

  7. Did they gliff thoo just before the galloway ran away an' ran ower poor Jack Jefferson?

  8. No, no, I was ower flay'd mysel' ti do owt; but the galloway must have gotten a gliff at something.

  9. Dis thoo nivvor get a gliff at the spirits?

  10. Wey, thoo gies us a gliff an' aal; an' what dis thoo hear them sayin'?

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gliff" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.