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Example sentences for "gilt bronze"

  • The gates of the temple were of gilt bronze, and its pavement of mosaic;[25] in a vault beneath were preserved the Sibylline books placed there by Tarquin.

  • Beneath this altar, and his silver statue, lies the body of St. Ignatius Loyola, in an urn of gilt bronze, adorned with precious stones.

  • Hercules, in gilt bronze, found in the Forum-Boarium (the columns on either side come from the tomb of Cecilia Metella).

  • A large and handsome Corinthian pillar, taken from some temple or basilica, was therefore placed in the Forum, on a huge pyramidal basis quite out of proportion to it, and was surmounted with a statue of Phocas in gilt bronze.

  • The basement was protected around by a sidewalk and a railing of gilt bronze, supported by marble pillars crowned with gilded peacocks, two of which are in the Giardino della Pigna, in the Vatican.

  • It is made of gilt bronze, and is said to be the work of a monk.

  • Chair of Dagobert, of gilt bronze, now in the Museé de Souverains, Paris.

  • Illustration: In Parqueterie with massive Mountings of Gilt Bronze, probably by Caffieri, (Formerly in the Hamilton Palace Collection.

  • Beneath the altar, in an urn of gilt bronze, is the body of the saint.

  • Gilt bronze statue of Hercules, found amongst the remains of a temple of Hercules, behind the Church of S.

  • The high altar is formed of a large urn of porphyry, covered by a slab of marble, which is supported by four angels in gilt bronze.

  • On the piers of the other two gates are placed the four famous horses of gilt bronze, brought from St. Mark's place at Venice, whither they had been carried after the capture of Byzantium.

  • If lights be required on the stairs, they should take the form of fire-gilt bronze sconces, as architectural as possible in design, without any finikin prettiness of detail.

  • Bernini and Paul Schor, placed it in a case of gilt bronze at the end of the apse.

  • The structure was composed of a square tabernacle supported by eight columns of red porphyry, with a dome of gilt bronze.

  • Peacocks, dolphins, and flowers, also of gilt bronze, were placed on the four architraves, from which jets of water flowed into the basin below.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gilt bronze" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    about time; agriculture and; also employed; behaved himself; cet homme; dull black; facial angle; gilt bronze; gilt edges; gilt tops; knew they; man would; mark the; opium eating; person should; plainly appears; severe cold; short circuits; strength and; take leave; thee only; this building; three persons; vice president