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Example sentences for "gawn"

Lexicographically close words:
gawa; gawan; gawdy; gawk; gawky; gay; gayan; gaye; gayer; gayest
  1. Cap," says the man, "Buck's gawn straight away to the ranche.

  2. My heart quakes at the feah that these cowboys have gawn away.

  3. Thar was the lady gawn daid, and Balshannon quits out in the gun smoke, and you and the two youngsters outlawed for trying to save him.

  4. I wasn't gawn to staay, sir--to be a trooble.

  5. For to what lad o' Shields wad the thought not be sweet; To cross ower the water without danger or fear, As aw've monny a time deun i' gawn ower the Wear.

  6. He click'd up a bucket, and was gawn wiv his prize, When the mate he let flee reet between his twe eyes.

  7. An' noo I'm gawn to my bed, sae as to be ready for mair adventurs the mornin'.

  8. This 'ere conspiracy'll 'ave to be gawn through proper," he said.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gawn" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.