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Example sentences for "funeral procession"

  • It is a bad sign to drive past a funeral procession.

  • A colored person will turn square about on seeing a funeral procession approaching.

  • It is unlucky to pass through a funeral procession, either between the carriages or the files of mourners on foot.

  • Early in the second week of December, a committee was formed for the purpose of organizing a funeral procession in Dublin, worthy of the national metropolis.

  • It was now very generally concluded that the government would be satisfied with these convictions, and would not proceed with the funeral procession cases.

  • The appearance of the "funeral procession placards" all over the city on Thursday, 5th December, increased the public excitement.

  • When the people saw a funeral procession pass, they uncovered their heads and murmured a prayer.

  • Funeral Procession of the Emperor Napoleon I.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "funeral procession" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    cut off; deciduous trees; distinct race; each petal; entire confidence; feet flesh; first glimpse; funeral customs; funeral march; funeral oration; funeral pile; funeral procession; funeral rites; funeral service; ground colour; human anatomy; maintain himself; might probably; national scale; our course; peach orchard; salt marshes; shall hold; since when; thousand crowns; warm baths