Happy it was for the frequenters of the theatre, when these two genuine children of nature united their efforts to charm an attentive audience.
Several of the other frequenters were also interested in the stage, or at least in the gossip of it; so that, on the whole, there was as much talk of plays and players as there was of cloaks and cloak-makers.
Mr Salomons is a practical man, and understands the use of mob-meetings, which is to coerce and compel Whig administrations to do precisely what the frequenters of the London Tavern desire.
If a stranger staked his coin on a turn of the cards, or throw of the dice, it was no mere hazard that transferred his ducats to the pockets of the regular frequenters of the house.
The usual frequenters upstairs may be judged of by the following passage in the Journey through England, first edit.
A] Half a century ago one of the most inveterate frequenters of book-auctions was a certain Dr.
He is the Cunning Bookseller of Beloe, and appears to have been one of the most assiduous frequenters of 'forced' sales of household furniture, etc.
It always has been tame and is tame with everybody, not only with all Nemestronia's household, not only with frequenters of her reception rooms, but also with casual visitors, total strangers to it.
As our acquaintance grew, Isaac became more and more confidential, and I was astonished at the critical faculty displayed in his caustic comments upon the different frequenters of the billiard-room.
He puts one in mind of one of those long-headed politicians and frequenters of coffee-houses mentioned in Berkeley's Minute Philosopher, who would make nothing of such old-fashioned fellows as Plato and Aristotle.
I am not laying any plans against any of the regular frequenters of this place.
His Cuckoo Concerto was once the wonder and delight of all frequenters of English country concerts; and Woodcock, one of the Hereford Waits, was sent for, far and near, to perform it.
Towards evening the bells had ceased; the frequenters of inn parlours too had betaken themselves to their farms, lying peacefully in the light of the setting sun.
The salon frequenters were trained conversationalists and brilliant beauties who danced and drank, discoursed and intrigued.
Most of his frequenters were jolly good persons, utterly destitute of the sense of sufficiency in matters of carousing; the better people declined his invitations.
Even Richelieu could not, as compensation to him for a favor to her husband, induce her to act as spy on some of the frequenters of her salon.
The very names of the frequenters of the salon of Mme.
The square is bare of trees, and in the summer the sun beats down upon the frequenters of the terrace coffee-rooms of the hotels in a manner which makes one wonder why they do not move off and seek a shady spot elsewhere.
His acquaintance with the public-houses of the metropolis and its neighborhood, and with the frequenters of their various parlors, was prodigious.
Justice," said he, "now requires some information from you concerning the frequentersof your mother's establishment.
He must know all the frequenters of the Poivriere, and might perhaps give us valuable information regarding Gustave, Lacheneur, and the murderer himself.
His garb was such as is worn by the worst frequenters of the barriere.
Was there a man named Gustave among thefrequenters of the Poivriere?
Above all the frequenters of the court, two ladies were distinguished by her especial favor--the Princess de Lamballe and the Countess de Polignac.
One morning, the frequenters of those stone galleries were amazed to see Chodruc-Duclos go by, clad in shoes and stockings, in a coat only a very little worn and an almost new hat!
Your pretty manners were found pleasing by frequenters of the Three Tuns tavern at the corner of Rat Street.
There can, I think, be no doubt that Japan, in an artistic sense, owes much to the frequenters of these "tea ceremonies.
It is characteristic of the frequenters of water borders near man haunts, that they are chiefly of the sorts that are useful to man, as if they made their services an excuse for the intrusion.
Busy little grosbeaks picked about the kitchen doors, and woodpeckers tapped the eaves of the farm buildings, but we saw hardly any other of the frequenters of the summer canons.
The crested quail that troop in the Ceriso are the happiest frequenters of the water trails.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "frequenters" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.