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Example sentences for "fraternise"

Lexicographically close words:
fratello; frater; fraternal; fraternally; fraternisation; fraternised; fraternising; fraternite; fraternities; fraternity
  1. Yet curiously they have been known to fraternise with the she-wolf, and in no case will they attack, but rather incline to caress her.

  2. Commissioners of the primary assemblies come and fraternise with them in the Jacobin club.

  3. To descend to this low level so barefacedly, to fraternise with barrier sots, and wenches, to endure their embraces and hiccoughs, is bad enough, even for docile deputies.

  4. The Sikhs in British pay happily showed no disposition to fraternise with the Mooltan army, although the calculations of Moolraj were based upon such an expectation.

  5. But one day the fancy seized him to go and fraternise with a big young goshawk which was out on her bow-perch, duly secured by the leash.

  6. And lost hawks will, of course, come and fraternise much more readily, especially if the stable-companion flown as a decoy happens to have been a comrade at hack or in some double flights.

  7. Fraternise with the Americans the Upper Canadians will not.

  8. We will say to them, 'Soldiers of the mother country, fraternise with us, come and embrace us.

  9. The Commission thanked them, said that the troops would not come, and that even if they did, they would fraternise with the people.

  10. At the same time there was no sort of manifestation of any inclination to fraternise with the revolutionists.

  11. Look at Germany--look at Virginia--where opposite creeds mutually borrow the same sanctuaries, and where different sects fraternise in the same patriotism.

  12. Talleyrand was to endeavour to fraternise the aristocratic principle of the English constitution with the democratic principle of the French constitution, which they believed they could effect and control by an Upper Chamber.

  13. Pétion in reality had on the previous evening ordered the battalions of the national guard to get under arms, not to oppose the columns of the people, but to fraternise with the petitioners and swell the cortège of sedition.

  14. We recommend the Bench of Bishops to fraternise with the cabmen in making one common stand against the system of reduced fares to which both have been doomed in obedience to the modern principles of economy.

  15. Gefährlich ist's mit Geistern sich gesellen=--To fraternise with spirits is a dangerous game.

  16. I say nothing of the army--a power in France unknown to you in England, which would certainly fraternise with no peace party.

  17. Oh no; they are democrats too stanch not to fraternise with an armed mob; they content themselves with grudging an extra sou to the Commissariat, and winking at the millions fraudulently pocketed by some 'Liberal contractor.

  18. The two younger ladies, however, had begun to fraternise freely, and Miss Ruck presently went wandering out of the room with her arm round the waist of Miss Church.

  19. The procession swells in volume; you call upon the soldiers to fraternise with you; the constituted authorities disappear through the back door.

  20. It would be useless to harangue them on the sacred right of insurrection and appeal to them to fraternise with people.

  21. One does not fraternise with gaol-birds even for old time's sake.

  22. I daresay he thought I might fraternise and forget the past.

  23. The Gurkhas walked into their camp, and in broken, barrack-room English strove to fraternise with them; offered them pipes of tobacco and stood them treat at the canteen.

  24. We have little doubt now that in every well-ordered state there must be inequality, submission to masters as well as freedom, and that there are many people it is quite undesirable to fraternise with.

  25. There were the peasants of France ground into the very earth, denied any sort of equality with the nobles, any sort of liberty at all, hopelessly unable to fraternise with anyone.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fraternise" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.