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Example sentences for "frade"

Lexicographically close words:
fractious; fracture; fractured; fractures; fracturing; fradre; frae; fragata; fragatas; fragen
  1. I started out with the idear of makin my show a grate Moral Entertainment, but I'm kompeled to sware so much at that air infurnal Kangeroo that I'm frade this desine will be flustratid to some extent.

  2. Old Bisbee who was frade youd cut his sons leggs off Ses you bet go an stan up in feeld yrself with dressin gownd on & gesses krows will keep way.

  3. The aldermen of the city passed a resurlushun closin up the front dores of the s'loons, cos they was frade if they was left open sumthin mite happin wot would hurt the reputashun of the partie in the common hurd wot do the votin.

  4. Then he got a close carrage, & told the driver to drive orful slow, cos he was frade the moshun of the carrage'd have a bad effect on my nerves.

  5. Ma likes him, and thinks he's orful steddy, and she aint frade to let me go eny place with him.

  6. I war frade if I kept out of a hunt much longer I wood get outen practis.

  7. In the mean time, our friend the Frade is making inquiries which may assist us," continued Antonio.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "frade" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.