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Example sentences for "forecasted"

Lexicographically close words:
forebodes; foreboding; forebodings; forebore; forecast; forecaster; forecasters; forecasting; forecastle; forecastles
  1. The movements of comets, the positions of the principal stars and stellar constellations and other astronomical phenomena were studied and charted on astronomical maps or recorded and forecasted in astronomical tables.

  2. He saw only opposition to his will here, but the mother forecasted the end from that moment.

  3. But he felt the two hundred dollars of good money in his pocket and chuckled as he forecasted the hour of Thomas Smith's discovery.

  4. If we had forecasted this yesterday, she would be saved.

  5. More dearly still since we forecasted together to serve God in it.

  6. A heavy bombardment all along the line from La Bassee to Ypres forecasted something unusual.

  7. The ultimate strategical position of the United States in the Pacific cannot be forecasted until there is a clearer indication of how far she proposes to carry a policy of overseas expansion.

  8. Various political dreamers had forecasted it, no doubt following the lead of the United States.

  9. The address of His Excellency, the governor general, forecasted the hope that the next time parliament met at Ottawa it would be under the confederation of Province.

  10. The difference, on the other hand, between one man's environment and that of other men can be arranged on no curve and remembered or forecasted by no expedient.

  11. The inherited nature of every human being varies indeed from that of every other, but the relative frequency of the most important variations can be forecasted for each generation.

  12. Kipling had some such idea in his mind when he wrote “The Ship that found Herself,” and almost insensibly the idea is imbibed that the ship is a sentient thing whose behaviour can be accurately forecasted under any given conditions.

  13. In point of fact we were here face to face with a situation not unlike that between the Union Company and Donald Currie, and it might have been forecasted that the best business men would win in the struggle.

  14. This has already been forecasted by Colonel Fuller in his book on Tanks in the Great War.

  15. But we have forecasted the use of chemicals which may attack human functions hitherto immune.

  16. The matter of the notes hadn't been mentioned, but they existed undoubtedly even in Dalrymple's careless mind, which must have forecasted an uncomfortable day of payment.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "forecasted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.