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Example sentences for "folces"

Lexicographically close words:
foiz; foje; fokes; fol; folc; fold; folde; folded; folden; folder
  1. On dham fifteodhan geare dhaes caseres rices Tyberii com Godes word ofer Iohannem, on dham westene; and he ferde to folces neawiste, and bodade Iudeiscum folce fulluht on synna forgyfenysse, swa swa hit awriten is on Isaies witegunge.

  2. Iohannes forfleah folces neawiste on geogodhe, and on westene mid stidhre drohtnunge synna forbeah.

  3. He worhte tha wundra sodhlice thurh godcunde mihte, and mid tham wundrum thaes folces geleafan getrymde; ac hwaedhre thaer waes odher dhing digle on dham wundrum, aefter gastlicum andgite.

  4. H['i] eac for folces thwyrnysse heofonan scuras oftugon, and eft miltsigende getithodon.

  5. Dane, folces hyrde to be Hnäf, in opposition to Holtzmann (Germania, viii.

  6. Frisian, and folces hyrde to be their king, Finn.

  7. Dane, folces hyrde to be Hnæf, in opposition to Holtzmann (Germania, viii.

  8. Assuring himself that old Folces and the girl Nola were close at his heels, he stepped briskly along the now precipitous incline of the hill.

  9. Presently Taurus Antinor paused and called to Folces to come up to him.

  10. Had it not been for Folces and his devotion I might mayhap never have found thee.

  11. Not from him, gracious lady," said Folces humbly, "for the praefect of Rome is dead.

  12. Folces was on his knees waiting to be dismissed.

  13. Still on his knees, Folces fumbled in the folds of his mantle and from his breast he drew a roll of parchment which he offered to the Augusta.

  14. Ne wend thu the na on thaes folces unraed and on unriht gewillon hiora spraece and gecleps ofer thin riht, and on thaes unwisestan lare thu ne gethafa.

  15. Et congregatis (sic) omnes principes sacerdotum geascode and dha udhuutta dhaes folces georne gefragnde fra him huer crist et scribas populi, sciscitabatur ab iis ubi Christus acenned were.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "folces" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.