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Example sentences for "fleetes"

Lexicographically close words:
flees; fleet; fleete; fleeted; fleeter; fleetest; fleeth; fleeting; fleetingly; fleetly
  1. In this port of Zante, the newes was fresh and currant, of two seuerall armies and fleetes prouided by the king of Spaine, and lying in waite to intercept them: the one consisting of 30.

  2. These two diuers and strong fleetes waited and attended in the Seas for none, but the English shippes, and no doubt made their accompt and sure reckoning that not a shippe should escape their furie.

  3. Then he willed a peece to be shot off, and he sent the pinnesse for the other Admirall, and all the captaines, masters, and pilotes of both fleetes to come aboord of him.

  4. Sidenote: Fleetes may be laden with silke.

  5. The Sianes, and other nations, doo also carrie away a great quantitie: and although there are carried away ordinarily as afore saide, yet there remaineth so great quantity in that kingdome, that many fleetes may be laden therewith.

  6. The like prouision hath the king for the sea: hee hath great fleetes of ships, furnished with captaines and men, that doo scoure and defend the costs of the countrie with great diligence and watchings.

  7. It is observed that the two fleetes were even in number to one ship.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fleetes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.