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Example sentences for "fleam"

Lexicographically close words:
flayed; flaying; flea; fleabane; flead; fleas; fleche; fleck; flecked; flecking
  1. Obviously the fleam makes the points weak, but this in coarse saws may be partially remedied by shaping the teeth as in Fig.

  2. It is obvious that for soft wood the teeth may be given fleam on both faces, and that the front face should have some fleam, even for the hardest of wood, whether the back face has fleam or not.

  3. It is also used for tortoise-shell, having in that case a bevel or fleam on the front face, and no set to the teeth.

  4. If we give fleam to both faces we alter the indentation, as denoted in Fig.

  5. R and S, the latter having fleam on the front and the former on the back face of the tooth, the amount or degree of fleam being equal.

  6. The result of this fleam would be that the tooth, instead of cutting equal and level all the way across as in Fig.

  7. Fleam on the front face or throat of the tooth has the effect of preserving its set, the pressure of the cut being as shown by the arrows in Fig.

  8. Such was the enthusiasm which he inspired in his troops that they surprised the revolters by attacking along the whole line of the Fleam Dyke at once, and that with such impetuosity that in a moment they were over it.

  9. All that a doctor could do, I take it, would be to open a vein, and that I could do along with the best of them, if I had but my fleam here.

  10. Fleam has a horn shield and three blades.

  11. Fleam has a brass shield, one blade, and a tenaculum (hook).

  12. Fleam has a brass shield, three blades, and a knife.

  13. Fleam has a brass shield and three fold out blades of different sizes.

  14. It is not clear whether this fleam was used for human or for animal bloodletting.

  15. Fleam has a brass shield, two blades, and a knife.

  16. Fleam has a brass shield and four blades.

  17. Hand-forged fleam with hand-carved wooden case, 17th and 18th century, Swiss or Tyrolean.

  18. Fleam has a brass shield and three blades, engraved with a "W" over the name "Pepys.

  19. Also pictured are a fleam for making scarifications, the pattern of scarifications, a metal cup, and a leech.

  20. Since the specimens found in museums vary in size, it is likely that this type of fleam was used on both animals and humans.

  21. These are enlarged versions of the fleam employed in human bloodletting.

  22. John Syng Dorsey, a noted Philadelphia surgeon, wrote in 1813: The German fleam or spring lancet I prefer greatly to the common English lancet for phlebotomy; it is now in some parts of the United States almost exclusively used.

  23. With a large fleam that he possessed, he twice bled the Andalusian, to the astonishment of the discomfited farrier, and saved its valuable life, also an ounce of gold.

  24. The Fleam Dyke we do not see from this road.

  25. The Devil's Dyke and the Fleam Dyke are by this time known as "the two dykes of St. Edmund," and now play their latest part in history as defences.

  26. On the opposite bank, a mile lower down the stream, is Fen Ditton, the "Ditch End" where the Fleam Dyke strikes the river.

  27. And thus, after so many ages of warfare, does the Fleam Dyke, or Balsham Ditch, as it is also called, enter on its millennium of peace.

  28. Edward is no Ostorius, being a valiant warrior of the cautious rather than the daring type, and the Fleam Dyke brings his avenging host to a standstill.

  29. The Fleam Dyke is one of the great prehistoric lines of defence which were run from the Fens of the Cam to the summit of the East Anglian heights.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fleam" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.