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Example sentences for "fitteth"

Lexicographically close words:
fitted; fitten; fitter; fitters; fittest; fitting; fittingly; fittingness; fittings; fitty
  1. Fortune, upon mi nu silk dress, now in the hands of the manty-maker, and may it fit me all over like unto, as the ducks foot fitteth the mud.

  2. Take away from me all vanity, but grant that mi Sunday panterloons may fit me, even az korn fitteth the kob.

  3. I cannot tell, if to depart in silence, Or bitterly to speake in your reproofe, Best fitteth my Degree, or your Condition.

  4. Me thinkes his Lordship should be humbler, It fitteth not a Prelate so to plead Som.

  5. But, nephew, thou shalt have the prince in guard; For thine estate best fitteth such a guest.

  6. Love that condition best, which fitteth thee for communion with God, or maketh thee the most profitable servant to him; and hate that most, which is thy greatest hinderance from these, and would most enslave thee to the world.

  7. Also he fitteth his temptations to your natural and acquired parts.

  8. Lastly, he fitteth his temptations to the season.

  9. The tempter also fitteth his temptations to men's several bodily tempers, (as I showed, p.

  10. The devil fitteth his temptations to the sinner's age.

  11. His providence fitteth all conditions to their good; but especially helpeth them by seasonable, quickening afflictions.

  12. It fitteth well nowe that the learned have sayd, musica requirit generosum animu[m] which since it is far from you, no marvel though you favor not that profession.

  13. The time, the hour now fitteth best the thing, While stout Clorinda talketh with the king.

  14. And further, the untimely learning of them hath drawn on by consequence the superficial and unprofitable teaching and writing of them, as fitteth indeed to the capacity of children.

  15. Marry," cried Little John, clapping his palms together for joy, "thy bidding fitteth my liking like heft to blade.

  16. That fitteth my mind," quoth Little John, "so let us forth, say I.

  17. I am ill at reck'ning; it fitteth the spirit of a tapster.

  18. Methinks his lordship should be humbler; It fitteth not a prelate so to plead.

  19. I cannot tell if to depart in silence Or bitterly to speak in your reproof Best fitteth my degree or your condition.

  20. The Giustinian is not a man for our promissione which, verily, fitteth ill with the dignity of our Prince--a man of spirit may well find it hard to assume the beretta under such restrictions!

  21. Men think it fitteth them at the present, and doth the business which they feel most urgent; but it payeth them home with troubles and perplexities at the last: it is but like a draught of cold water in a fever.

  22. The ambassadors sought guidance from their home governments.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fitteth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.