Our fineness and beauty were extolled in a manner that was perfectly gratifying to the self-esteem of the whole family.
In purchasing veal, its whiteness and fineness of grain should be considered, the colour being especially of the utmost consequence.
The best of our British wools are inferior in fineness to any of the above-mentioned, being nearly twelve times the thickness of the finest Spanish merino; but for the ordinary purposes of the manufacturer, they are unrivalled.
It is also a well-established truth, that the larger the frame of the animal, the coarser is the meat, and that small bones are both guarantees for the fineness of the breed and the delicacy of the flesh.
It should be borne in mind as a rule, that small-boned and short-legged poultry are likely to excel the contrary sort in delicacy of colour, flavour, and fineness of flesh.
The fineness lies in the daring and vigour with which that which is typical is expressed.
All-white is entirely blameless from the standpoint of good taste, and has a dainty fineness in the Haviland of which one rarely tires, while it never clashes with anything else on the table.
And good reason it should be so, for coarseness with fineness hath no fellowship, but featness with neatness hath neighbourhood enough.
It is besides an exquisite illustration of thefineness and delicacy of Paul's nature, and it includes large spiritual lessons.
Paul here shows us how he could handle a delicate subject with a feminine fineness of instinct and a noble self-respect joined with warmest gratitude.
In proportion to their length is the fineness of the weather.
No tool yet invented by man enables him to enjoy such fineness of touch, or to give so much breadth or such delicacy of detail to his work, as that which he naturally commands in the use of his fingers.
Just because nature and society unite to call on her for such fineness and finish, she can be so petty, so fretful, so vain, envious and base!
Its correctness depends largely upon the perfection of the nervous system and the fineness of the material on which the registration is made.
Coarseness of means and fineness of effect--the phrase is a happy one.
It was the type of face which, in its broad modelling of planes and petal-fineness of edges, suggests a pansy.
A portion of this is made into Spanish black by carbonizing same in a closed iron kettle, or retort, and then grinding same in a regulation ball mill, until the desired fineness is obtained; this process producing a very fine black.
His hand had not the steely fineness of touch of his great uncle's, but it was strong, and guided, they soon found, by a subtle intelligence.
His Mephistophelian face did not look as classic under the laurel wreath as had his uncle's, nor had his work the blinding splendor nor the fineness of texture of his great model.
Appended is a table giving thefineness of grinding of the various pigments, together with their characteristics under the microscope.
Under the microscope the fineness and structure of the particles are clearly evident.
The fineness of grinding considerably affects the quality of the paint, and this can be easily controlled through the intelligent use of the microscope.
Professor Wilson describes the hair of the ancient Peruvians, as found upon their mummies, as "a lightish brown, and of a fineness of texture which equals that of the Anglo-Saxon race.
Their works in cotton and wool exceeded in fineness anything known in Europe at that time.
The writer has a leaning towards slide-plates as slow as he can procure them, because slowness almost always goes hand in hand withfineness of grain and freedom from fog.
They came back to the "office" with me, the goddess in sables taking the solitary chair, while her mate sat down on the edge of my little table, stretching out before him legs clad in cloth of a fineness I had forgotten could exist.
Before her at ease stood a pretty girl, the fineness of whose tightly drawn silk stockings, the perfection of whose gleaming coiffure, the exquisite hang and fit of whose silken dress filled Ellen Boardman with awe.
As some people are good judges of music, and insensible to painting and sculpture, so the fineness of one sense entails no corresponding fineness in another, or at least no corresponding critical perception of differences.
Weak though he was he walked with a great firmness to the dais, and none there saw his poor clothes for the fineness of him.
The fineness of you, coarsened by the temptations you have met and not overcome.
As will be seen by the cut, though the perspective of the draughtsman is not to be praised, the work of the engraver is excellent; the fineness of the lines is new to us and the shadows are well treated.
From the fineness of the lines and other indications we suspect these designs were cut on metal, which was much used at this time instead of wood.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fineness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.