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Example sentences for "fighting chance"

  • I ask is a fighting chance, and they shall have their way!

  • I want a fighting chance to do what I'd never in the world get them to credit--give it all up and leave them a free field.

  • You want a fighting chance--to surrender--to give in to their demands?

  • No," admitted Dave Henderson, with the same ominous quiet; "but all I ask is a fighting chance.

  • He had asked only for three or four days, for a fighting chance, just time enough to get on Millman's trail, hadn't he?

  • What Colonel Baldwin and the rest of you needed was a financial manager, and Timanyoni High Line has its fighting chance--which was more than Timanyoni Ditch had when I took hold.

  • I can't attempt to tell you what such a man would do, but he would at least rattle around in the box and try to give you a fighting chance, which is more than you seem to have now.

  • We've got a fighting chance, all right," said Haines.

  • Why, that means we've got a fighting chance to lick 'em," said Burl joyfully.

  • As we see it, we've got a fighting chance of spoiling his game.

  • Remember that there is always a fighting chance, no matter how great the odds against you.

  • There is always a fighting chance," he told himself quietly, remembering the remark Lord Hastings had so recently made to Frank.

  • Always a fighting chance so long as one has breath in his body.

  • And I assure you we'd have at least a fighting chance to get across.

  • Surely, if the feat were at all within the bounds of possibilities, they had, as Lieutenant Beverly said, "a fighting chance.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fighting chance" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another thing; called reformation; chosen people; could not bring myself; departing from; distance from; draft craft; fighting chance; great longing; her shoulder; himself says; inch thick; long room; material things; merchant ship; natural liberty; obtain redress; protection against; shrunk from; single fight; until about; will tell you about