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Example sentences for "fiah"

Lexicographically close words:
fhir; fia; fiacre; fiacres; fiamma; fiance; fiancee; fiant; fiasco
  1. Ah bets ah follers ma baby ef ah has to clim' ba'foot th'ough fiah an' brimstone.

  2. There's Dreamland Coming The Quartette Assisted by Miss Glo Worm and Mr. Fiah Fli, Jr.

  3. I heard you talk about a fiah at the mines, and evah since I've thought of Arizona as looking like the Sodom and Gomorrah in my old pictuah book--smoke and fiah sweeping across a great plain, and people running to get away from it.

  4. Dah one wey box he cumpin, fiah ketch; dah odder one wey box he cumpin, fiah ketch.

  5. Now fiah get out, burn de ho'se, burn he mammy en hese'f.

  6. He take 'tick wid fiah 'pon um fo' go look 'poon.

  7. He done beat de ress all, he begin fo' cook, he put big ress nah fiah fo' cook um, he cook all.

  8. Spider one good man, dis make he duh make good fiah fo' we en we cumpin (companions).

  9. You'se like dem 'siples dat was allers wantin' ter call down fiah from Heben.

  10. Look at dat' fiah how hit's spittin' an' bristlin'!

  11. At hog killin' time we built a big fiah an put on stones an' when dey git hot we throw 'em in a hogshead dat has watah in it.

  12. Ouah kitchin wuz big an' had great big fiah place whur we'd bake ouah bread in de ashes.

  13. On Christmus Day, we'd git fiah crackahs an' drink brandy, dat wuz all.

  14. De men slaves would cut a whole pile of wood fo' de fiah place 'n pile it on de porch.

  15. Yo gits yo fiah goin' jes so under de oven, den you shovels some fiah up on top de oven fo to get you bakin jes right.

  16. Goodness, how do fiah and de smoke do belch up!

  17. By the light of this fiah they can see the colah of ouah eyes.

  18. The two at the fiah make excellent tahgets," murmured Kid Wolf.

  19. Do not fiah until I give the coyote yell," he said.

  20. Mars' Valiant he tell me ter grub et all out en make er bon-fiah ob it.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fiah" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.