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Example sentences for "fellur"

Lexicographically close words:
fellowmen; fellows; fellowship; fellowships; fells; felly; felo; felon; felonie; felonies
  1. I reckon the fellur thet guzzles wud take hit all tu hisself.

  2. I guess he don't like the idee uf this prayur meetin' show an' the show fellur thet painted hit he jes disspises.

  3. Fust place what do ye make o' the young fellur bein' wownded hisself?

  4. Them words tolt to whosomedever shed read 'em, whar the young fellur war to be foun'.

  5. Gie the young fellur a fair trial," urges he.

  6. Eft hadn't a been for you, thur war licker enough to a lasted till the young fellur got roun' agin.

  7. Unless yur father do that, the young fellur 'll go 'ithout tastin'.

  8. The young fellur hed grupped her afore I got thur; so I wur jess in the nick o' time 'bout it.

  9. Thet she air in love wi' the young fellur is clur as Massissipi mud--in love wi' him to the eends o' her toe nails.

  10. The young fellur had tuk leeve o' his senses, an ked gie no account o' hisself.

  11. I see'd thet varmint myself, an war jest in time to save the young fellur from its claws.

  12. I've seed more 'an one good fellur go under wi' that same sort o' a stripe acrost his skin.

  13. May an Injun eat me ef 'tain't the young fellur as tuk me for a grizzly!

  14. There a fellur hez to dig; but he gets pretty good wages--five thousand dollars a month is middlin', not to say fair.

  15. I s'pose they do it to save a fellur the trouble o' mixing--Ha!

  16. I gin to think yur in the same purdicamint as the young fellur hisself.

  17. Preehaps 'twur nat'ral enough for the young fellur hyur to take me for a greenhorn--seein as he oncest tuk me for a grizzly.

  18. I never seed Char'ty arterward, but I heerd o' her oncest from a fellur I kim acrosst on the Massoury.

  19. I recognised Rube's voice); "thur allers a gittin a fellur into some scrape.

  20. The young fellur mout git clur; but for you 'n me thur's not the shaddy o' a chance.

  21. Rube emphatically: "forgot ye--forgot the young fellur as tuk ole Rube for a grizzly!

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fellur" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.