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Example sentences for "feet lower"

  • The ground on which this is built is 6 feet lower than at (A).

  • The depth reached by this shaft was at least 5 feet lower than at any point inside, within 200 feet of the mouth of the cave.

  • Old men in the neighborhood claim they can remember when the floor was 20 feet lower than at present; a manifest impossibility, for that measure would bring it several feet lower than the bed of Mill Creek just in front of the cave.

  • They unite near the entrance, sink into the floor, and reappear as a strong spring 30 feet lower in the ravine leading from the cave.

  • At this height and 1000 feet lower the ban oak (Quercus incana), grey on the lower side of the leaf, which is so common at Simla, abounds.

  • At length eleven loads reached the pass and two more were only 800 feet lower.

  • About three miles from Changar, an abrupt descent led from the platform on which we had been travelling, to the level of the banks of the river, more than 1000 feet lower.

  • Three miles from the summit, at perhaps 2000 feet lower level, snow ceased to lie on the ground, but it continued to fall lightly till the afternoon.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "feet lower" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    college education; feet above; feet above sea level; feet above the floor; feet above the level; feet above the plain; feet above the water; feet apart each way; feet beam; feet black; feet blackish; feet broad; feet diameter; feet flesh; feet from the surface; feet high; feet lower; feet thick; feet yellowish; golden chain; had happened; interesting fact; neutral vessel; post free; sharply pointed; take hede