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Example sentences for "fawther"

Lexicographically close words:
fawn; fawne; fawned; fawning; fawns; fayence; fayer; fayle; fayled; fayling
  1. Your fawther ain't a perfesser, but he always did read his Bible.

  2. I tell fawther I don't believe it agrees with me very well here, but he says I'll git used to it.

  3. Seems as if she was tryin' to make up to fawther for Coonrod as much as she could.

  4. He thought the world of Coonrod, fawther did.

  5. And now there's no time left faw fawther talking.

  6. After weading it, and knowing that the writer was gone, I didn't think it wawth while to twouble you any fawther about the disagweeable business.

  7. If your fawther was the man he'd ought to be, he wouldn't be rode over that way by nobody.

  8. Me fawther says you're certain to be nominated, and there's no opposition, of course.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fawther" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.