Erie Leofwinus throwghe the campe ypass'd, And sawe bothe men and erlies on the grounde; They slepte, as thoughe they woulde have slepte theyr last, And hadd alreadie felte theyr fatale wounde.
Guicciardini calls him on this occasion 'fatale instrumento e allora e prima e poi de' mali d' Italia.
They were clad in blouses, and wore hobnailed shoes.
He thought it had gone mad I He shut the padded shutters of his windows so that no sound should reach him; he ordered his valets to fight fresh candles, to bring in more bottles of wine, to sing more songs.
I was seized with the whim to write a drama with the title Édith aux longs cheveux.
The drama had not been done over again by me; had it been necessary to rewrite the play completely I should certainly never have undertaken the task; but what was done was done straightforwardly and in good faith.
The duchesse had arranged a meeting-place for her friends in a house, situated about a league from the château, belonging to M.
Not one young man of thirty knows definitely to-day what the affair of the compte rendu was that we indicate was of so grave a nature.
He smote his forehead and said to himself: Why have I not thought of that before?
So, one day, the masters showed these exercise-books to his father.
Looking behind the carriage, we saw a hackney carriage following us.
Darmaing, to support a protest that I made to the Gazette des Tribunaux: 'I beg M.
I passed by as the rest did and went back into the street again.
They refused to believe that one could die of an atmospheric poison, from so pure a sky and so radiant a sun.
About 1826 Grandville left the hôtel Saint-Phar and went to live in a sort of garret situated opposite the Palais des Beaux-Arts, where I made his acquaintance.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fatale" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.