Being assured, that thou shalt desire nothing at my handes, that may be done, but it shall be accomplished of mee, that loueth thee better then mine owne life: and therefore expell from thee this shame and feare.
Will ye finishe your gouernement, with the ouerthrowe of the citie: But either wee must expell and abandon the people, or els wee must admitte the Tribunes.
In tenne yeares space this straunge hill of workyng did expell no vapoure or smoke: but in the yeare .
I thincke it time that trouth doe remoue from you the foolishe loue, that you beare to him which loueth you not: and that iust and reasonable loue should expell from you the feare, which out not remaine in a noble and vertuous hart.
When he had so sayd, he was like by force to expell the sorrowfull mayden out of the house.
Some write that Alfred the brother of king Edward, came not into the realme till after the death of Hardiknought, and that he did helpe to expell the Danes, which being doon, he was slaine by earle Goodwine and other of his complices.
By assistance of these the King purposed to depriue Anselme, and to expell him out of the Realme.
So hauing both desire and opportunitie, they wanted not meanes to assemble in armes, to expell the English that were amongst them, and to cast downe the Castles erected in their Countrey, as the principall yoakes of their subiection.
He is thy fa and aduersar principall, 25 Of promyssioun wald the expell the land, For he the sammyn lost, and caucht a fall; Enfors the strangly contrar hym to stand.
Now presys this syde, and now Èonderwart, To reill abak and to expell in fyght 15 Thar aduersaris, and mak thame tak the flycht: Thus by the cost Ausonya that tyde Hard wolx the batale apon athir syde.
Oh, that that earth, which kept the world in awe, Should patch a Wall, t' expell the winters flaw.
O maigre and vnkinde recompence, to expell good seruaunts that be affectionate to a seruice so iust and honest.
We wyll not be both Wicked and vnhappy at once, and without cause expell our heads out of our common Wealth.
Or if it shall please you to drinke the root thereof with maluesie, it will maruellouslie prouoke vrine, dissolue and expell grauell, and yeeld no small ease to them that make their water by dropmeales.
Which to reduce into our former fauour, You are assembled: and my speech entreats, That I may know the Let, why gentle Peace Should not expell these inconueniences, And blesse vs with her former qualities Eng.
All places yeelds to him ere he sits downe, And the Nobility of Rome are his: The Senators and Patricians loue him too: The Tribunes are no Soldiers: and their people Will be as rash in the repeale, as hasty To expell him thence.
Edward, came not into the realme till after the death of Hardiknought, and that he did helpe to expell the Danes, which being doon, he was slaine by earle Goodwine and other of his complices.
And although an Eagle be counted King of that feathered regiment, yet is there a certaine blacke Hawke that beates him; so that hee is constrayned to soare so high, till heate expell his adversary.
The which the shiriffe did accordinglie, but that so feintlie and fauourablie, as he permitted the earle of Oxford (now in distresse) to reuittell the mount, knowing that there was no waie to expell the earle from thence but by famine.
Oh, that that earth, which kept the world in awe, Should patch a Wall, t'expell the winters flaw.
The leaues distilled, yeeld water soueraigne to expell paine from the stomacke.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "expell" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.