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Example sentences for "entrusting"

Lexicographically close words:
entring; entro; entropy; entrust; entrusted; entrusts; entry; entryway; entweder; entwine
  1. When Philip was besieging Byzantium he left to Alexander, who was then only sixteen years old, the sole charge of the administration of the kingdom of Macedonia, confirming his authority by entrusting to him his own signet.

  2. The history of the past had proved over and over again the utter futility of entrusting the administration of an extraordinary and burdensome department to the regular magistrates.

  3. The experiment of bearding the senate by entrusting the conduct of a campaign to a popular favourite had been tried before, and, whether its immediate results were beneficial or the reverse, it had produced no ulterior effects.

  4. The instructions to Lord Stratford,[28] on the other hand, appear to her very vague, and entrusting him with enormous powers and a latitude of discretion which is hardly to be called safe.

  5. This is entrusting them with a power which Parliament has been jealous to confide even to the hands of the British Crown.

  6. Seriously speaking, Kate—you will lose nothing by entrusting your secret to one who may be enabled to give you some useful counsel in a matter which is of far greater moment than young persons of our sex are induced to believe?

  7. I saw him yesterday afternoon; and he gave me the letter to convey to you, entrusting me at the same time with the duty of communicating to you this last act of Reginald Tracy.

  8. So important, indeed, are they that I tell you frankly I should not feel justified in entrusting them to so youthful an officer as yourself, had I anybody else that I could send.

  9. He bought the Atlas, and while entrusting most of the editorial work to a Mr. Joyce, who was my immediate chief, appropriated to himself all free admissions that reached the office.

  10. The commissary shall issue orders entrusting the matter, as is customary, to some one of the familiars whom he has to keep in the city.

  11. Further, the want of exercise and employment, the absence of supervision and control, and the entrusting of means of coercion to irresponsible and unfit attendants, lead to the most shocking abuse of restraint, and to cruel seclusion.

  12. In truth, there is no more reason for assigning to the clergy the determination of the question of sanity or insanity of an alleged lunatic, than for entrusting it to any other respectable and educated class of society.

  13. According to Eugène Boutmy the origin of the expression is to be found in the practice which existed formerly of entrusting Belgian compositors in Paris with printed copy only, and not manuscript, on account of their ignorance of the language.

  14. All men know that not one of these methods attains the aim of entrusting the power into none but infallible hands, or of preventing its being misused.

  15. But John Kemble had kindly furthered the claim of the foreign clown by entrusting him for once with "a speaking part.

  16. It became evident at last that Sir Piers Butler was not strong enough to govern without Kildare's help, and Henry reverted to his father's policy of entrusting all Ireland to the man whom all Ireland could not govern.

  17. Throw yourselves all on yon fellow, and his death shall come at my hands; for it is geis among you for any youth to come into your game, without first entrusting his safety to you.

  18. And do you all attack him together, for we know that yon wight is some one of the heroes of Ulster; and they shall not make it their wont to break into your sports without first entrusting their safety and protection to you.

  19. For, entrusting our trust to Him, we know that He is able to keep that which we commit (i.

  20. If you really do, there can surely be neither hesitation about yielding them to Him, nor about entrusting them to Him to be kept.

  21. A more valid objection might be urged, in the danger of entrusting to public officials so great a power as the control of money value would seem to be.

  22. In these rare and obvious cases, provision is made for the public security by a particular act entrusting it to him who is most worthy.

  23. Greig has no objection to my entrusting my interests as well as his own in the hands of M.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "entrusting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.