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Example sentences for "entre"

Lexicographically close words:
entrapped; entrapping; entrar; entraron; entraunce; entreat; entreate; entreated; entreaties; entreating
  1. She has hinted to me to explain the situation in which she is placed, but entre nous, I mean to do no such thing, for I have a plan of my own to follow up.

  2. The Guarani language is still spoken in Entre Rios and Corrientes, while in the Republic of Paraguay it is more generally used than the Spanish; indeed, paragraphs printed in it appear in one of the papers published in that province.

  3. Such in early life was General Urquiza, for some time governor of his native province of Entre Rios.

  4. And yet entre nous I recognize one fault in her.

  5. Entre nous, what a number of dupes hang round her!

  6. The Rizal edition of Morga omits the last part of this sentence, the original of which is "entre vnos esteros y cienagas, lugar escondido.

  7. It is not much; but, ENTRE NOUS, people can live for less, and not uncomfortably.

  8. An ydel man is lyk to a place that hath no walles; the develes may entre on every syde and sheten at him at discovert, by temptacion on every syde.

  9. Werre at his biginning hath so greet an entree and so large, that every wight may entre whan him lyketh, and lightly finde werre.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "entre" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    entre les; entre nous; entreat thee; entreat you; entreated them