The union is not yet inwardly complete; states are still hostile and ignorant of their community; but already 'le monde entier est repensé par leurs cervelles.
Verhaeren esteems science as the great fighter for the new conception of the world: 'Le monde entierest repensé par leurs cervelles.
He wishes to follow the advice of experts and "reduce his demeans into one entier ferme.
But sith there is no enemy in the field, and that but simple suspicion doth assayle me, why breake I not the same, and deface the entier remembraunce of the lightnesse of my brayne?
Whereof the gentlewoman conceyued singuler solace, louing hir deere freende with more entier affection than hir owne soule.
French ambassador had promised that Henry ‘shuld for the French kinges parte haue the hole and entier manyeng of the Peax betwen him and Themperor[598].
If Henry could not obtain the ‘hole and entier manyeng of the Peax,’ he did his best to convince Charles and Francis separately that his own friendship was more valuable to each of them than that of the other.
Suche is his entier love and fauour towardes yowe.
Scotish historie verie reprochfullie speaketh of Richard Grafton (a right reuerend man whiles he liued and of entier name also being dead) charging him with ignorance, and the report of a shamelesse lier.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "entier" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.