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Example sentences for "enslaver"

Lexicographically close words:
ensigns; ensilage; enslave; enslaved; enslavement; enslaves; enslaving; ensnare; ensnared; ensnaring
  1. The fair enslaver having fallen into one of her gentle sleeps during the last exposition, nobody likes to wake her.

  2. And so ends the story to which my honourable and fair enslaver opposite referred.

  3. The reference,' proceeds Mortimer, 'which I suppose to be made by my honourable and fair enslaver opposite, is to the following circumstance.

  4. For one church that excludes the human enslaver from its communion table, multitudes extend to him the right hand of religious fellowship.

  5. And when, in course of time, the Indian element became the ruling power, curses loud and deep were muttered against the enslaver of the Indians, and the Tlascalans came in for their share of imprecations.

  6. During the night strange murmurings were heard against "the accursed enslaver of their race.

  7. And Maria's present enslaver was no other than Mr. Geoghegan or Hagan, the young actor who had performed in George's tragedy.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enslaver" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.