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Example sentences for "enshrouding"

Lexicographically close words:
enshrined; enshrines; enshrining; enshroud; enshrouded; ensi; ensiform; ensign; ensigncy; ensigne
  1. Wanda uttered an ejaculation of horror and alarm, and exerting all her strength she dragged the inanimate figure away from its enshrouding coverlet of leaves.

  2. Suzanna sat up, received the tray in her lap and waited unexcitedly while Mrs. Reynolds removed the enshrouding napkin.

  3. When she was quite dressed, even to her little enshrouding gingham apron, she asked: "Are you going to school today, Suzanna?

  4. Like ghosts they slid away, noiselessly, through the enshrouding gloom.

  5. She moaned, still for the moment powerless to cast off wholly the enshrouding incubus of that tremendous, dreamless sleep.

  6. With this view she had removed the bushes enshrouding the aperture; and, bending low to the earth, thrust her head partially through it.

  7. Over and over, through the long hours he had asked himself that, and, as he brooded, the idealization with which he had adorned her fell like an enshrouding drapery to the dust; of the vestment of fancy nothing but tatters remained.

  8. The dust that arose seemed an all-enshrouding mist.

  9. In the wide enshrouding forest I might have passed it by.

  10. There was nothing near but the green, enshrouding foliage, and the brown object hanging almost motionless close by.

  11. Few, even of the scouts, had ever penetrated the enshrouding wilderness of that dizzy, forbidding height.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enshrouding" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.