The distinction of the two would be reduced to non-existence if the enjoyer passed over into the object of enjoyment, and vice versâ.
To that end[143] the passage under discussion metaphorically ascribes the attribute of being an enjoyer to the internal organ, in so far as it is modified by pleasure, pain, and the like.
Vedântins) maintain that the Lord is the Self of the enjoyer (i.
Brahman the Self of all, and not either to the pradhâna which comprises only what is non-intelligent or to the enjoyer viewed apart from the objects of enjoyment.
Scripture therefore has a sense only, if we admit that none but the intelligentenjoyer of the fruit of the action is at the same time the agent.
When we speak of Atma as the Doer, the Enjoyer and so on these attributes really relate to the body which forms the phenomenal basis of Atma.
It follows then that the doer of actions, the enjoyer of joys and the sufferer of sorrows is dependent on other things.
One body is the doer while another is the enjoyer and sufferer.
He does not regard himself as the actor nor as the enjoyer or sufferer of the consequences of his acts.
The enjoyerof the fruit, of course, is the embodied creature.
Enjoyer of the universe, pervading everything, the illustrious Madhava is ever affectionate towards his worshippers.
Freed from these attributes, He is again their enjoyer and endorser.
On the other hand, the Sankhya view of the Soul being neither the enjoyer nor the actor, is true.
Narayana who is fully conversant with the Vedas and their branches, at once the doer and the enjoyer of sacrifices?
The commentator explains that the object of this verse is to show that the Yoga view of the Soul being only the enjoyer but not the actor, is not correct.
And all readers agree likewise that feeling is transmitted from the maker of poetry to the enjoyer of poetry by means of the imagination.
How is it that they cross the gulf which separates the enjoyer from the producer?
His glory knows no diminution, and He it is that is the Enjoyer of the universe (as its Supreme Lord).
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enjoyer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: consumer; employer; holder; keeper; user