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Example sentences for "encima"

Lexicographically close words:
enchantress; enchantresses; enchants; enchased; enchorial; encircle; encircled; encirclement; encircles; encircling
  1. He describes the dress as 'vna ropa de algodon blanca estrecha, y larga, y encima vna manta por capa anudada al hombro.

  2. There was a league of Greeks living in the parts towards Thrace who were colonists from Athens and Chalcis, of which the most conspicuous and powerful was the city of Olynthus.

  3. They showed indeed great zeal in making the expedition, sending out the flower of their troops, two thousand infantry and two hundred cavalry.

  4. Nor can a man coming from the Hellespont to Calchedon obviate this by keeping to the European coast as far as Byzantium, and then striking across to Calchedon; for the current and other circumstances which I have mentioned make it difficult.

  5. Next day he obtained a wind in the right quarter, and about ten o’clock in the morning actually sailed into the harbour in the full view of the enemy, who looked on with amazement at his audacity.

  6. Besides, when he had recovered from his wound, he hoped to be able to do good service to his country himself.

  7. There could be no doubt of the policy of the Aetolians.

  8. It exhorted the people to fresh exertions, strengthened the city with guards, and deliberated on the crisis in a brave and manly spirit.

  9. This was promptly done: and then began a most anxious and exciting scene.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "encima" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.