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Example sentences for "electrical apparatus"

  • How Two Boys Made Their Own Electrical Apparatus.

  • If you have performed the experiments so far, you will be much more able to understand later ones, and you will see why we are obliged to use soft iron for some parts of electrical apparatus, and hard steel for other parts.

  • It is not intended to deal in any way with the design of special examples of electrical apparatus, but merely to describe a rather miscellaneous set of materials and processes constantly required in its construction.

  • In the laboratory the chief application of the process is to copper soldering during the construction of electrical apparatus and to zinc soldering for general purposes.

  • On the Construction of Electrical Apparatus--Insulators.

  • On the Construction of Electrical Apparatus: Insulators.

  • Copper sulphate is extensively used in electrical apparatus dyes, chemical work and as an antiseptic.

  • Electrical apparatus: At the right are the incoming wires.

  • A scale model of your invention, if it is a machine, or an electrical apparatus, when built by an expert model maker, makes a mighty pretty display and will never fail to attract attention wherever it may be shown.

  • In making drawings, either for yourself or for the patent office, of electrical apparatus to show how it is connected up you do not need to draw out a plan view or a perspective of each part but you can make what are called symbols.

  • Those who visited the electrical exhibition last May cannot have failed to notice on the south gallery a very interesting exhibit, consisting, as it did, of electrical apparatus made by boys.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "electrical apparatus" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    already related; but they would not; diuers places; each color; electrical action; electrical apparatus; electrical current; electrical energy; electrical engineering; electrical equipment; electrical machine; electrical phenomena; electrical science; first child; giving power; great hurry; her that; hilted sword; laws were; manifest destiny; many teachers; stands pledged; too good; under whose; whatsoever they; would vote