After that the king had disposed things in such conuenient order as stood with his pleasure at Berwike, [Sidenote: The castell of Alnewike yéelded to the king.
The wife and daughter of Caratake were taken prisoners, and his brethren also yéelded themselues.
The castell of Tickhill was likewise at the same time yéelded vnto the bishop of Durham, who receiued it to the kings vse, and them that kept it as prisoners, without anie composition, but standing simplie to the K.
The bishop of Durham bringing those prisoners with him which had yéelded vp this castell of Tickhill, came to the king the 27 daie of March, the verie daie before that Notingham castell was giuen ouer.
Julie: for the knights and other souldiers that were within it yéelded themselues to the kings mercie, their liues and lims saued.
Framingham, where being enuironed with a siege by his enimies, he yéelded himselfe vnto them.
Yet in the third yeare of king Edwards reigne, Adelwold his brother came with a nauie of Danes into the parties of the Eastangles, and euen [Sidenote: Essex yéelded to Adelwold.
It was a thing which diuers persons saw, and forthwith he lost his speach, and that night towarde the dawning of the day he yéelded vp his spirite.
The Cittie was yéelded to the spoyle, and the Spanyardes tooke the Golde, Plate and Feathers, the Indian friends had all the rest of cloth and other stuffe.
And when Quahutimoc who stoode on the puppe of the Canoa ready to fighte, sawe those bowes ready bente, and many drawen swordes, he yéelded himselfe, declaryng that he was the king.
The esquier immediatlie after he was brought to his lodging, and laid in bed, began to wax raging wood, and so continuing still out of his wits, about nine of the clocke the next day he yéelded vp the ghost.
Sidenote: Brest yéelded vp to the duke of Britaine.
Yet in the third yeare of king Edwards reigne, Adelwold his brother came with a nauie of Danes into the parties of the Eastangles, and euen at the [Sidenote: Essex yéelded to Adelwold.
This victorie doone, the king returned to Berwike, & then the towne with the castell were yéelded vp vnto him.
And although it yéelded salt water still of it selfe, yet it was spoiled at the last and filled vp with filth.
Also the people of Lindsey and all those of the northside of Watlingstréet yéelded themselues vnto him, and delivered pledges.
About the same time one Walkeline yéelded the castle of Douer vnto the quéene, who had besieged him within the same.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "elded" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.