India and China, with the south-eastern corner of Asia that lies between them, form another system that will be considered separately later on.
Thus I might have asked the reader to assist at the digging out of a cave, say, one of the famous caves at Mentone, on the Italian Riviera, just beyond the south-eastern corner of France.
The colonists will take this stream and the river Murray in hand some day, and will lock both and preserve their storm waters, and the south-eastern corner of the continent will then have a grand river communication.
The surface of this south-eastern corner of Australia is strangely diversified, and hence its charm.
From many of our camps the scenery was most beautiful; as we rounded the south-eastern corner of the lake, the whole expanse of water opened out before us.
From this point to the bay at the north-eastern corner of the lake there is an excellent waterway of sixty miles.
In the south-eastern corner of the mound tunnels carried beneath the ruined edifice, which is of the seventh century B.
At the south-eastern corner of the inclosure, is a mound of considerable height, and the remains of a square edifice; they may have been a fort or castle.
None were discovered except at the south-eastern corner, where the height of the earth above the usual level at once showed the existence of ruins.
V-31] Crossing over now to the eastward of the Governor's House, we find a small group of ruins in the south-eastern corner of the rectangle.
Near the north-eastern corner of the mound is an entrance leading down by seven stone steps to a small tomb about eleven feet below the surface of the ground and not under the mound.
XII-37] Some remains in the south-eastern corner of the state I shall mention in connection with those of Colorado.
In this sacred enclosure, which lay between the south-eastern corner of the Propylaea and the wall of Cimon, no traces of a temple have been found.
Before his time the Athenians used as a port the roadstead of Phalerum at the north-eastern corner of Phalerum bay partly sheltered by Cape Kolias.
Hidden in a thicket at the north-eastern corner is a sequestered swimming-bath, fed by a stream drawn off from Hobson's conduit.
It was probably about the year 374 that a horde of Asiatic savages made their appearance in the south-eastern corner of his dominions, having, so it is said, crossed the Sea of Azof in its shallowest part by a ford.
The main force of the Freestaters had assembled in the north-eastern corner of their State, and from this they made their sally southwards, attacking or avoiding at their pleasure the eastern line of British outposts.
On the flank of this line of communications, in the eastern and north-eastern corner of the Free State, was an energetic force of unconquered Freestaters who had rallied round President Steyn.
In the south-eastern corner, the miracle of the loaves.
A tombstone from the cemetery of the monastery is built into the Turkish wall at the north-eastern corner of the church.
This highland may properly be regarded as a continuation of the great Iranean plateau, with which it is connected at its south-eastern corner.
The Gandarians held Kabul, and the mountain tract on both sides of the Kabul river as far as the upper course of the Indus, thus occupying the extreme north-eastern corner of the plateau, the region where its elevation is the greatest.
The south-eastern corner of the plateau, below the countries of the Sarangians and the Arachotians, was occupied by a people, called Paricanians by Herodotus, perhaps identical with the Gedrosians of later writers.
One of the most striking views of the Cathedral is seen from the north-eastern corner of the precincts, near the house known as "The Vineyard.
The archway at the south-eastern corner is very elegant, the open quatrefoil above the round arch and below the pointed arch being especially good.
The Deanery Gateway, at the north-eastern corner of the close is a fine specimen of architecture.
Matinga' village, at the south-eastern corner of the fine mineral property.
The village stands outside the south-western angle, and the Fía rivulet runs through the south-eastern corner.
But by sunset we came safe at the north-eastern corner of the island.
The sun was rising as she came out into the open sea beyond the south-eastern corner of the island.
To-day the north-eastern corner of Italy, land of Venetia, the once Lombard Austria, is parted asunder by an artificial boundary between the dominions of the Italian King and the lord of the later Austria.
The north-eastern corner of Italy is one of those parts of the world which have gone through the most remarkable changes.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "eastern corner" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.