And thus in a goodlie araie, they came to the king, and on their knees in verie humble wise saluted his grace, which receiued them in verie ioious and amiable manner, nothing earthlie knowing nor mistrusting as yet.
For he reckoned the amitie of no earthlie nation so necessarie for him, as the freendship of his owne, which he thought likely to beare him so much the more hartie fauour, in that he disdained not to marie with one of his owne land.
Why will hereafter anie flesh delight In earthlie blis, and ioy in pleasures vaine?
All such vaine moniments of earthlie masse, Devour'd of Time, in time to nought doo passe.
One of his feete unwares from him did slide, That downe hee fell into the deepe abisse, 545 Where drownd with him is all his earthlie blisse.
So much as the soule is more worth than the bodie, so much the more art thou bound to obeie God and me, rather than any earthlie creature.
But both these princes, after they had obteined possession of their earthlie kingdoms, did forget the care of the heauenlie kingdome, so that they returned to their old kind of idolatrie.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "earthlie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.