Each tube has an internal opening, placed as a rule in the segment in front of that in which the greater part of the organ and the external opening are situated.
The lumen of each tube opens at its lower end into the dorsal part of the body cavity (fig.
Each tube, in its most typical form, opens by a ciliated funnel into the pericardial cavity, and has its external opening at the side of the foot.
Several inches of free wire should be allowed at each end, for making connections, and the first and last turns on each tube should be securely fastened to the tube by several turns of binding wire.
The current is turned on after making belt and wiring connections, a lead pencil is held directly centering the place where each tube hangs, and a line is drawn on the circumference of the roller.
Climax" resistance wire should be used on each tube.
Each tube is surmounted by a zooeid with fifteen to thirty tentacles, which is constantly changing form by its contractions.
At the base of each tube-foot there is a globular reservoir, or ampulla.
Each tube consists of a thin cylindrical wall of silex, and of a jelly-mass filling up its cavity; in its axis runs a very thin, straight or slightly curved thread of silica, the axial filament.
A superior construction, however, is to provide nuts and washers to the ends of the stay tubes, one on each side of each tube plate.
Thus the tube plates may be stayed by rods passing through both plates and screwed into them, or nuts and washers may be used on the stays one on each side of each tube plate.
A better method, however, is to let the ends of the stays receive a nut on each side of each tube plate.
In other cases, however, the tube ends project through the plates, and a rubber washer is placed on the end of each tube.
The foot of each tube is enclosed in a covering of dingy yellow down.
The mouth of these tube-flowers is cut into points which bend outward, and coming out of the centre of each tube, you can see the yellow tip of the seed-vessel, round which the heads of the stamens are placed edge to edge like a deep collar.
Inside this white border there are a great many tiny yellow tube flowers, with five points at the mouth of each tube, but these you will not see without a microscope.
At the mouth of each tube there is a purple strap, and these straps stand out like a frill round the bouquet.
There are twelve mules, each with a tube, and there is a supply of ninety rockets to each tube: there are four men to each tube, beside the man who leads the mule.
Each tube is provided with a sort of stand, with a marked elevator, by which it can be adjusted to any required angle.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "each tube" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.