Both dolphins anddugongs occur in the Red Sea, porpoises and dolphins in the Mediterranean; so that the "Mosaic writer" may well have been acquainted with them.
Not very many years ago dugongs were found in large herds, sometimes consisting of two or three hundred individuals, and were so tame that they would even permit themselves to be touched without attempting to escape.
The latter is spread at night, and in its meshes dugongs are caught in considerable numbers.
Dugongs are distinguished from their cousins the manatis by the presence in the upper jaw of the male of a pair of large tusks, which in the female are arrested in their growth, and remain concealed.
In the Sunda Isles Dugongswere formerly numerous, but their flesh is esteemed a dainty, and the species is now becoming scarce.
The order of Mammalia comprising the Dugongs and Manatees.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dugongs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.