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Example sentences for "drowsily"

Lexicographically close words:
drowning; drowns; drowse; drowsed; drowsie; drowsiness; drowsing; drowsy; drub; drubbed
  1. She rubbed them drowsily and sat up in the middle of the narrow humpy bed.

  2. Willie was proprietary in his tone, and he clung drowsily to Persis' arm while her hands hovered about his throat.

  3. Her hands were tugging drowsily at one of the blinds, but it was held by a catch in the wall.

  4. Sentiment, for an instant, helped the cause of tears, when she thought of the many hours spent on that pile, drowsily happy.

  5. I see long rows of glimmering milk-cans, and wonder drowsily whether they contain forty modern thieves.

  6. I smoke cigarettes, a little drowsily gazing out of the window at the undulating French scenery that flies past me, at the silver poplars.

  7. Slow sleep descends on eyelids ready drowsily to decline, In a soft repose departeth the devout spirit-agony.

  8. Such a ninny, a fool is he; witless even as any Two years' urchin, across papa's elbow drowsily swaying.

  9. If to my inmost veins, like dull death drowsily creeping, Every delight, all heart's pleasure it wholly benumbs.

  10. Later, as the man burrowed deep into his robes a voice sounded drowsily from the depths of the sleeping bag: "Waseche!

  11. He listened drowsily to the pandemonium of growls and yelps and snarls, from the midst of which came indistinctly the sound of a voice.

  12. With measured cadence, drowsily and melodiously they sounded across the snow-bound earth.

  13. The ribbon that was sent to adorn his neck was much too big to fasten round his throat, but he looked contented and rested drowsily under Bess's continued protestations of affection.

  14. When they woke Escondido basked drowsily in the low, westering sun.

  15. It is not for Captain Saltonhall," said Miss Latimer drowsily and, drowsily, she took up the alphabet.

  16. Even as he drowsily struggled forth from slumber, he was aware that it was not the knock that announced hot water and the hour of rising.

  17. The faint evening breezes nestled drowsily among the leaves overhead, and the glassy surface of the stream shone in the yellow radiance of the evening light.

  18. The boom of a gun sounded drowsily from down in the plains, some native, sitting up in a machan to guard his jowari or sugar cane, had fired his old muzzle-loader to frighten away greedy jungle pigs or bison.

  19. Gaston then turned toward the verandah and to the few wooden steps which led up to the doorway, wherein the apple-faced man still stood with his hands behind him, drowsily blinking at the unexpected visitor.

  20. Above the scarlet neckerchief a round face, red as a Normandy apple, was turned meditatively on the mud-stained cavalier, whilst a pair of small, beady eyes blinked drowsily at the afternoon sun.

  21. This was followed by a delightfully warm day, and all the animals were standing drowsily in the sunshine.

  22. Yates drowsily next morning, as a prolonged hammering at his door awakened him.

  23. And Yates, swinging drowsily in his hammock, was no less gratified.

  24. Our road ascended the thousand feet in a sinuous ribbon of white dust, and an eternity seemed to pass as we crawled drowsily upwards to the music of the cicadas, under the simmering blue sky.

  25. Altogether, essentially nice creatures, lotus-eaters, fearful of fuss or novelty, and drowsily satisfied with themselves and life in general.

  26. Sitting drowsily by the stove Grandfather peopled the quiet night with figures.

  27. In the meantime, he thought, drowsily and childishly, it was sufficient to be quiescent and humble.

  28. The few insects that were not in a state of chrysalis, seemed drowsily to procrastinate their existence until food for the new generation should be prepared by nature.

  29. I yawned drowsily once more, but the hint did not stop him.

  30. Garratt Skinner, however, roused him, and drowsily he helped to clear the ledge.

  31. Let us eat what there is to eat and then die," and drowsily repeating his words, he fell asleep.

  32. Smiles undressed her new charge, who struck uncertain terror to her heart by drowsily talking on and on, in snatches of unrelated sentences running the gamut of her limited experiences and with the childish words often failing, half formed.

  33. Short bursts of surf, The wind climbs up and stops in the grass; And the golden petals Brush drowsily over my face.

  34. By the wall of that house That looks like a face half torn away, And from its flat mouth barks at the sky, The sky which is shot with broad red disks of light, Petals drowsily falling.

  35. A dozen times in the darkness you are half awake, and listening drowsily to the sounds of the storm.

  36. So she went up to bed, almost as drowsily as Philip had before her.

  37. You'll look after it," Joy murmured drowsily to the ring, and went to sleep.

  38. The girl raised her head drowsily as she noted some old landmarks in the misty light.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "drowsily" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.