When he sees who downs him, he drags himse'f to Enright an' begs a heap abject for his life.
It's about six years after the philanthrofists ropes onto Bill an' drags him off to a school.
With four stakes taken from the heap of wooden treenails used in the tunnel timbering he drags himself from corner to corner of the claim, pacing its boundaries and marking the points of intersection with dogged exactness.
This done, he drags himself over the barricade, finds the saddle-bags again, and strikes a light.
Once out of range beyond the crest of the pass, he drags the trembling horse to its haunches and whips down from the saddle, the wine of battle singing in his veins and red wrath answering for physical fitness.
Let your Body be a little forward to give the greater Liberty to the Hind-legs, which are those that lead; and don't aid with your Legs, unless he drags his Haunches.
Mr. Crockett misses every conceivable point of his own tale, and with a majestic clumsiness drags in the one thing which could possibly make it offensive.
In one instance he drags the eye down to a footnote in order that you may read: 'I, C.
But Glory, like a conqueror, drags behind Her glittering car the souls of all mankind; Nor less the lowly than the noble feels The onward roll of those victorious wheels.
Off to the court he drags him: shouts succeed: A mob collects: thank Phoebus, I am freed.
It is as if the drags were taken from the wheels of time, and they rolled along without interruption in their descent.
Every hero and heroine regularly drags some one along with them, a gentleman in waiting or a court lady.
It also rasps the bench as it drags sand and gravel to and fro upon it.
It drags down the man who pays, and demoralises him who receives.
He is no more his own than the horse that drags a carriage through the next street; nor is his wife, nor is his child, nor is anything that is his, his own.
He drags out a miserable life, abandoned by all the world, without relatives or friends, given over to his servants; but he has willed it thus, since he has never been able to live with anyone.
When travelling the tail drags on the ground, and they hobble along with their long front claws drawn underneath; at other times, they move by slow leaping movements, and can travel backwards almost as fast as forwards.
I saw here great numbers of herring-boats and the nets for capturing these fishes; also some curious drags for oysters, clams, and other shellfish.
Billy Fish and two of his matchlock men catches hold of Dan by the shoulders and drags him into the Bashkai lot, while the priests howls in their lingo, 'Neither God nor Devil, but a man!
The starfish drags itself over the shell and places its mouth at the end, extending its long arms downward, literally swallowing part of the shell.
As a bullock drags in the sandy ruts, he followed the dreary track, With never a thought but to reach the huts when the sun went down Out Back.
Similarly the Siamese dreads the Pnuek, or water spirit, that seizes unwary bathers, and drags them underneath the water; and the Sioux Indians tell how men have been drowned by Unktahe, the water demon.
In the place of one of his arms hangs an empty sleeve; his left leg is made by the turner, and he drags the right along with difficulty; but above these ruins rises a calm and happy face.
To the slothful man, who with difficulty drags along his enervated mass of flesh, 'What have you done with your feet?
The father of the bride nowdrags the youth up a rude ladder to the floor of the elevated hut; the mother likewise leads up her daughter.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "drags" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.