The escarpments, however, are due in a large degree to the erosion of weaker rock on the downthrow side.
A fault of recent date may be marked at surface by a scarp, because the face of the upthrown block has not yet been worn to the level of the downthrow side.
A, B obviously does not change the direction; but C, D is a downthrow dike of a certain number of fathoms towards the rise of the basin, and E, F is an upthrow dike likewise towards the rise.
He believed also that the present coast-line of China has to a large extent been determined by similar faults with their downthrow on the east.
In the Aran Range there is a great fault, designated the Bala fault, with a downthrow of 7,000 feet.
The Grand “Wash Fault,” Colorado, has a downthrow to the west of 6,000 feet.
The entire country from this point to Sydney Heads has been slowly let down by one of those great earth movements known as a "downthrow fault.
The downthrow was not the work of one single act of disturbance--it went on for ages.
A normal fault with a hade of 50 degrees, the original fault scarp worn away, showing cliffs caused by harder strata on the downthrow side.
The rock on that side of a fault which has dropped relatively to the rock on the other is said to be upon the downthrow side of the fault; conversely, the relatively uplifted portion is the upthrow side.
A and B are on the downthrow sides, C is upthrown.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "downthrow" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: defeat; downcast; overthrow; overturn; precipitation