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Example sentences for "dochters"

Lexicographically close words:
docere; docet; docetic; doch; dochter; docile; docilely; docility; dock; docke
  1. And ye may beguile a young thing sune 2 He came unto a widow's door And speird whare her three dochters were.

  2. Sax king's dochters I hae drowned, An the seventh you sall be.

  3. If there's another war, as God forbid, they're helping now to lose it who do not do their part in giving Britain new sons and new dochters to carry on the race.

  4. Yer wife and dochters will think nae less o' you for having been unfortunate; and consolation is never sae usefu as when it is applied to a grief that is nae langer secret.

  5. That's the advice I wad gie ye if ye had ony dochters left.

  6. Efter the mandoline went, the boys begood to scramble for Duffy's dochters as if they were bowl-money.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dochters" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.