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Example sentences for "divvle"

Lexicographically close words:
divulges; divulging; divum; divus; divvil; divvus; divvy; dix; dixerat; dixerit
  1. Twas a divvle iv a risky job to be a pathrite in thim days, an' none but those that had no wan dipindint on thim cud affoord it.

  2. If I had a million, divvle th' step would I step to confession.

  3. How th' divvle can they perjure thimsilves if they ain't sworn?

  4. Tis them as leads ye the divvle av a ride, and is like as not to run away wid ye.

  5. Any able-bodied son of Erin should be able to match Hercules, except in the snake-strangling trick, since divvle an example did Saint Patrick leave us to practice on.

  6. May the divvle fly away with me, but Peggy Flannagan can be obstinate in foith, whin she likes!

  7. Fuaghaballah, may the divvle take the hindmost!

  8. Mahony then tould her to put out her tongue, but the divvle a bit of her tongue saw we!

  9. Well, he's a mighty evil man--the divvle take his sowl!

  10. That's the way to manage, and the divvle a betther sign o' good luck we could have in the beginning of our journey, than to get a good male so aisy!

  11. Air ye the little divvle himself, or air ye the divvle's gran'fatherr?

  12. What's the good o' the little divvle and his thramps, if he can't bring home a burrud, or so much as the scut iv a rabbit furr the soup?

  13. Divvle a shmell of the baste can I see, and me back from furlough-leaf for minnuts.

  14. Ye'll have to plug and desthroy the schamin' divvle that strook poor Patsy Flannigan, Matty," said the Irishman.

  15. Divvle a thing can I make out iv it," said Mr. Dooley.

  16. Manny a man that come over on a five-day boat has had th' divvle iv a time explainin' to his wife what he did with th' other two days.

  17. They're a divvle iv a sinsitive people thim Japs.

  18. We cud manage to scrape along without electhrical injineers but we'd have a divvle iv a time without scavengers.

  19. If I iver got hold iv a little mound iv th' money, divvle th' bit iv hardship wud I inflict on mesilf.

  20. And all with divvle a trace of malus,-- But he was the bhoy that enjoyed his joke!

  21. Who the divvle tould ye to move, Tompkins?

  22. Sure only the divvle himself could say what the blackguards will do.

  23. What the divvle do ye Prothestants mean by absorbing (to use no worse language) the rints and revenues left by Catholic testators for the good of the hooly Church, for the edication of heretics?

  24. Divvle a bit wud you catch me splattherin' mesilf with morthar an' stickin' newspapers in a hole in a corner shtone to show future gin'rations th' progress iv crime in this cinchry.

  25. Divvle a wurrud have I to say again' Thomas.

  26. What Sir Alfred Milner says is thrue,' says Lord Lelborne, an' what th' divvle he has to do about it I dinnaw.

  27. Faith, I dinnaw, an' divvle a bit care I.

  28. May the divvle admire me," panted Billy, "but this bangs Banagher.

  29. Divvle resave the pluvver ever was seen in the barony!

  30. Divvle resave the feather there is betune this an' Ballybann; they're dhruv out av the cunthry.

  31. Divvle th' fut I will step out iv this house,' says Snakes.

  32. Me frind Zola thinks he's innocint, an' he raised th' divvle at th' thrile.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "divvle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.