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Example sentences for "disquietudes"

Lexicographically close words:
disquieted; disquieting; disquietness; disquiets; disquietude; disquisition; disquisitions; disrated; disregard; disregarded
  1. After this you will be free from those disquietudes which now molest you, and you will quit life with ease whenever it shall please God to call you away.

  2. I remove to a distance from your person with an intention of avoiding you as an enemy; and yet I incessantly seek for you in my mind; I recall your image in my memory, and in different disquietudes I betray and contradict myself.

  3. If, cast too rudely among the hardships and bitter disquietudes of the world, his past nursing had not been delicate, he was already taught to look upon privation and discomfort as his daily companions.

  4. At present very different cares awaited him: in 1791, a fit of sickness overtook him; he had to exchange the inspiring labours of literature for the disgusts and disquietudes of physical disease.

  5. Charming Nasica, says he, his Eyes sparkling with Love, what Disquietudes are those to which you seem to abandon yourself.

  6. I do not think, Sire, return'd she, that what your Highness calls Disquietudes in me, can Interest you so far as to ask me the Occasion of them.

  7. After this you will be free from those disquietudes which now molest you, and you will quit life with more ease, whenever it shall please God to call you away.

  8. If both these Methods fail, the best way will be to let him see you are much cast down and afflicted for the ill Opinion he entertains of you, and the Disquietudes he himself suffers for your Sake.

  9. If it cannot remove the Disquietudes arising out of a Man's Mind, Body, or Fortune, it makes him easie under them.

  10. No wonder the chagrins and continual disquietudes I live in should undermine and at length overturn the robustest constitution.

  11. I am quite transported at the thought that ere long, perhaps very soon, I shall bid an eternal adieu to all the pains and uneasinesses, and disquietudes of this weary life.

  12. Whatever griefs oppress my heart, whatever disquietudes torture my thoughts--all are dispersed in a moment; my soul becomes at ease; the fatigue of the body vanquishes the disturbance of the mind.

  13. Spectacles of misery which she was unable to relieve would merely tend to harass her with useless disquietudes and make her frame more accessible to disease.

  14. For all her toils and disquietudes she esteemed herself fully compensated by the smiles of her father.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disquietudes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.