The Princess began talking of England and the people she remembered there; while Basilea answered she observed Mary, who seemed to her disappointingly strange and indifferent.
To Honor she scarcely spoke voluntarily, and cast down her eyes as she did so, making brief work of answers to inquiries, and showing herself altogether disappointingly the old Cilly.
The visits are so closely shrouded in obscurity, and we have so exhausted our imagination in picturing dark possibilities, that the simple solution falls disappointingly short of our expectations.
They tried, but it worked disappointingly that time.
The amount of business obtained at the fares and rates exacted was disappointingly small.
Mildred was delighted at first at being sent into dinner with him, but she found him disappointingly taciturn.
What he had said was disappointingly little, but uttered in that strange high voice of his, it contained an infinite deal more than appeared on the face of it.
A year senior to Harry, he had taken Greats in 1914, and though his degree had been disappointingly low he had not yet lost the passionate attachment of the 'Greats' man to philosophy and thoughts of the Ultimate Truths.
And the number of motor cars which turned in at the new driveway was disappointingly small.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disappointingly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.