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Example sentences for "dictograph"

Lexicographically close words:
diction; dictionaries; dictionary; dictis; dicto; dictorum; dictos; dicts; dictum; dictus
  1. The old man slipped in a moment later and quickly placed the dictograph under the lower bunk.

  2. He had taken a dictograph from his baggage, borrowed a few dry batteries and a coil of wire from the wireless operator.

  3. But he was not a very expert electrician and the dictograph for a long time failed to give anything but roars and crackling sounds, though he was convinced there were several persons talking.

  4. After this the dictograph must have got out of order as nothing further came over the wire.

  5. Victor--except a body clever enough to hide a dictograph detector in a turnip.

  6. It is certain there is neither a dictograph installed here nor any means at Nogam's disposal for connecting with a dictograph installation.

  7. The dictograph has been getting too much publicity lately," he said.

  8. It's a good thing that I didn't wait to put a dictograph there," he remarked to us.

  9. There were some anxious moments until at last they had satisfied themselves that no one was listening and that no dictograph or other mechanical eavesdropper, such as they had heard of, was concealed in the furniture or back of it.

  10. The impulses set up in the concealed dictograph set up currents in these coils of wire concealed under the carpet.

  11. The second night I strung the dictograph wire, tapped the telephone, and carried my provisions here.

  12. Whoever heard of a dictograph wire this long!

  13. There was a blanket, a store of provisions, a telephone that they knew without examination had been connected with the one in the living room below, and the end of the dictograph wire.

  14. Brennan assembled the dictograph rapidly, attaching to it three head-pieces with receivers clamping over the ears.

  15. With a dictograph we can get every word that's said.

  16. Brennan's plan for the use of the dictograph was approved and they were commended for their enterprise.

  17. John's left arm was stiff at his side from a steel bar thrust up into the sleeve and Brennan carried the dictograph in a paper package under his arm.

  18. Through the hole cut through the floor Brennan pushed the wires of the dictograph until their entire length disappeared into the basement and the "ear" of the eavesdropping device was flat over the perforation.

  19. So delicately was the dictograph adjusted that John heard Cummings draw his breath sharply.

  20. The Eel goes stealthily to the window L, looks out, and pulls the dictograph from the wall.

  21. Buy a dictograph and have it hidden in the room where the conversation takes place.

  22. I hope you had a stenographer at the dictograph when the Mayor and your uncle cooked up their little deal," he continued.

  23. So, even though her mother's suspicions had been aroused, the girl in the next few days managed to spend many hours with her ears glued to the receiver of the dictograph without being discovered.

  24. The dictograph told her that nightly his uncle and he in the seclusion of their home toasted America's arch enemy, the German Kaiser.

  25. Some day, supposing the people next door were all out, he might even succeed in planting a dictograph so that you could sit there in your room and hear all that was going on and what the Hoffs talked about.

  26. Whenever I was listening over the dictograph it was always the old man who was so bitter against America.

  27. I want to try to install a dictograph in their apartment.

  28. He recalled that Jane Strong over the dictograph had heard old Hoff speak of something that he called the "wonder-worker.

  29. A dictograph as sure as the earth grows little apples.

  30. A dictograph put in that empty cabin while we were having our little chat-chat with Sasebo.

  31. My master has a dictograph in his office, and has your confession on record.

  32. A dictograph in the private office, yonder, has a record of the talk between us of the other morning, in which you made patent confession to being the Masquer.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dictograph" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.